
Monster Adventures Season 1: Hell's Teeth

A tale of outcasts! Captain Kota Korrow and his band of misfits have been struggling to survive for years with their community on a distant island then things take a turn for the worse when Korrow and his crew unleash an ancient evil.

Koko_Da_Crazy_Boi · History
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Episode 3

Warning: This episode contains gore, death, and vulgar language

Korrow and his crew went inside the house. "Hey where did Love Bird go?" Nightshade asked, "No clue." Korrow responded.

"Korrow you're back." said a woman.

"Did you miss us, Luna, I killed a woman and she evaporated I guess, and she dropped an orb," said Nightshade.

"What?" Luna asked.

Luna is about 16 years old, a galaxy hoodie, blue eyes, black pants with white specks, blue slippers with purple long hair.

"Korrow said he would explain inside and we are inside and he hasn't said a word about it," Killer Stalker said. "I'll explain at Lunch," said Korrow.

"What do you guys want?" asked Korrow.

"CHICKEN NUGGIES!" Nightshade said excitedly.

"Sure, I like chicken nuggies," Luna added.

"Yes, I would also like chicken nuggies." Killer Stalker said seriously.

"CHICKEN NUGGIES!" Nightshade added excitedly.

"I do not really eat a lot," said Carscod.

A winged figure walked up from the basement. "Make sure they're dino nuggies!" Batzel said happily. Batzel is a 36 years old gargoyle, with grey almost pure black skin with cracks all around his body, grey wings a hint of blue all around him, and spikes to top it off.

"Why aren't you happy, Korrow?" Batzel said angrily.

"It seems as if something is troubling Korrow," Carscod responded monotone.

"DINO NUGGIES!" Jago said happily. "You probably wouldn't eat anything Korrow makes," said Batzel. "Yeah,..... And!" said Jago.

"Nothing," Batzel said angrily.

"DIWNO NUWWIES!" Monstrid said excitedly.

Monstrid is about 4 years old and has stitched parts of different monsters, grey skin, green skin, yellow skin, one blue eye, one yellow eye, blue overalls with a white and blue striped shirt with black shoes, black strap-on tennis shoes with a white heel and grey bottom layer.

"DINO NUGGIES!" Monstrid, Charlie, Batzel, Killer Stalker, and Luna said at the same time.

Another person walked out of the basement. Drunk full-on wasted.

"Dino nugg .... ies!" he said drunk.

"You hoe Derrek, you drank my rum!" Nightshade said angrily.

"Aw, fu... ck you," Derrek said drunk.

Derrek is about 28 years old, tan, brown shirt exposing his chest, black pants with black shoes, and slick greasy brown hair.

"Hey, he wasn't the only one who drank his rum.", Jago said.

"Hey wait, where did you get rum, wait until Naval here's about this!" Korrow said a little bit angrily.

"Wait, who's Naval?" Nightshade asked, confused.

Korrow opened up the kitchen cabinet and grabbed a bottle. Korrow walked over to Derrek and handed him the bottle.

"Drink this," Korrow said. Derrek drank the bottle he hiccuped. Then he was no longer drunk. "Boo I'm not drunk," said Derrek.

Korrow sniffed and then had a slight face of disgust. "You smell funny, go take a shower and brush your teeth," said Korrow.

Derrek rolled his eyes and groaned and walked into the bathroom.

"Okay, what about Lunch," asked Carscod.

"DAMN DINO NUGGIES BITCH!" Nightshade said angrily, pounding the table.

"I'll fix some macaroni and cheese and dino nuggies," said Korrow.

"But what about me? I do not eat a lot, wouldn't you be fixing too much food?" Carscod said worried about Korrow.

"My maker's ass, Cars, you young worry wart, I know how to cook," said Korrow.

Korrow started to make lunch. Korrow went down to the basement and put a witch's pot in the kitchen. He then started to Luna making mac and cheese in the big witch's pot. Korrow started stirring the macaroni with a long wooden spoon. Then he started chanting. Nightshade and all of the others went and sat on the couch. Charlie was sitting on the arm of the couch, Nightshade sitting with her head near the ground and her feet up, Carscod sitting on the couch seat, Killer Stalker was on the top of the couch, and Luna laying on the other arm.

"Macaroni macaroni no more germaloies" Korrow chanted. Korrow laughed evilly.

"The fuck are you doing?" Charlie asked, confused.

"Well I'm cooking in a witch's pot so I started chanting," Korrow said.

He put his arm on the side of the pot. Then his arm slid into the mac and cheese. Charlie was sitting on the couch holding a controller.

"Hah now you have to restart, and that's stupid!" Nightshade said like an asshole.

"Hah no because that chant protected that mac and cheese from harmful germs, bitch," Korrow said confidently. He threw the wooden spoon at Charlie making him fall off the couch and making him drop his controller. Charlie did a high-pitched HAH.

"Was that your staff?" Nightshade said in a scratchy voice while still on the floor.

"No, that looks like a staff, that's a spoon, regardless of how much I want to hit you with my staff, my sword is my staff. I can turn my sword into a staff and vice versa." Korrow said.

"Can we see?" Monstrid said excitedly. "No," said Korrow.

The oven dinged, and Korrow took out the chicken NUGGIES. Korrow then laid down a huge bowl of mac and cheese and laid everyone a thing of chicken nuggies and mac and cheese. He fixed Luna a lemonade, Killer Stalker milk, Jago a soda, fixed Nightshade a glass of nightshade liquid, Charlie some flavored water, Monstrid some chocolate milk, Carscod some apple juice, Derrek some rum, Batzel some alcohol-free rum, and fixed himself some sweet tea.

"Dinner time!" Korrow said. Korrow rang a bell attached to the bottom of the kitchen cabinet. Everyone went to the kitchen table and sat down.

Korrow turned on the TV in front of the table they were sitting at. He turned on cartoons. Then it went to breaking news. They all groaned.

"Breaking News I'm Marry Intel here from Intel Info Headquarters or IIH, and we are here at the Hell's Gates Museum, where the police found an orb in the trash can that belonged to Ms. Brittney, now for you folks who don't know when someone-" Marry got pushed by another reporter.

"Breaking News I'm Kelly Data here from Daily Data News or DDN, and we are here at Hell's Gates Museum where some BITCH stole my recording spot, poor, poor what's her name oh yes Ms. Brattey has been awfully killed, let's get a closer look."

Korrow looked at Charlie with a death glare. While the news was still playing. "What?" Charlie asked.

"You were supposed to get rid of the orb," Korrow said.

"Well I did, you didn't specify where or how, I put it in the trash can. I covered it with a half-eaten sandwich, wait no I ate that, I covered it in a candy wrapper, it was very tempting not to eat the orb afterward." Charlie responded.

Ms. Kelly and her cameraman walked into the museum. "I'm sorry Ms. Kelly you can't be here," said an officer. "Oh shut up!" said Ms. Kelly.

She pushed him in the face. The Officer's eyes went white and he went still.

"Mark, can you cut this police tape please?" asked Kelly. Mark turned his hand into a scissor-like state and cut the tape and turned them back to normal.

"Hey did you know that Marry's cameraman Lewis, me and him can both do that!" Mark said happily.

"Oh that rat face's cameraman, Mark you're better than him," Kelly said.

"C'mon over here," Kelly said. Mark walked over to the orb.

"You see people at home when someone gets murdered they turn to dust and turn into an orb, that's called dusting. Everyone's orb is different, there are theories that you can resurrect orbs but from what I've experienced, no you cannot, but if the orb is destroyed you are gone for good wait I wonder what does an orb taste like?" said Kelly. Kelly picked up Ms. Brittney's orb and licked it, her face shriveled up with disgust, and then she threw the orb at the wall, and the orb then cracked.

"Ew, it tastes like hair, gross, and sorry ms. ms. ms, Mark, help me out here."Kelly said.

"Ms. Brittney," said Mark.

"Yeah what he said," said Kelly.

Marry got up and walked into the museum.

"You bastard, you cracked her orb!" Marry said pissed, as she was walking she accidentally kicked Ms. Brittney's orb against the wall cracking it more. "You bitch ass whore!" said Kelly. "Oh why you little shit!" said Marry. Marry and Kelly started bitch slapping each other. Then punches got thrown. Marry kicked Kelly. Kelly jumped on top of Marry pulling at her hair. Marry started yanking at Kelly's hair.

"I bet you 5 bucks Kelly can beat Marry," said Mark. "Oh I bet you 10 bucks Marry can beat Kelly," said Lewis. "Mark get ya ass in here and help me!" Kelly yelled. "Lewis get your ass in here and help me!" Marry yelled.

"I would never fight you, Lewis," Mark said. "I would never fight you either, let's just go on break," Lewis said."Yeah!" Mark said happily. Mark and Lewis walked off. Korrow turned off the TV.

"Well that answered your orb question," Korrow said.

"But why were we at the museum?" Charlie asked.