
Monkey in the Multiverse

My computer exploded, next thing I know, I'm in a new world with a system! Patre.on: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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371 Chs


The group appeared on an island, Hiro stumbled and said "Woah!" Yami got down and said "Where are we?" Yachiru looked around in awe saying "You weren't lying! Cool!" Yami shook his head and said "Why would I lie?" Yachiru shrugged and giggled "Maybe you wanted to impress me~" Yami smiled and said "I don't do that already?" she smiled and hugged his arm.

Zerotwo smiled at the kids saying "You're just so cute~!" Yami blushed and looked away, clicking his tongue. Hiro chuckled and walked into town before going into a bar. There was a big sign over it that said 'Monkey Bar'.

Hiro walked inside and knocked on the bar, saying "Excuse me, can I new a newspaper and a drink?" Zerotwo coughed and Hiro corrected "Two drinks, please." the woman turned around and looked at Hiro and Zerotwo, she jumped before saying "Uh.. Sure! Sorry." before scurrying off.

Yami sat down with Yachiru and Hiro gave them juice. He read the newspaper and saw that it was Canon time! Niceu! He drank his drink and paid the girl, smiling as he walked away saying "See you later, Makino-chan~" Makino was stunned and said "Huh?" the rest followed Hiro and passed the Mayor, Hiro dropped a block of gold in his hands and said "Keep up the good work, Woodslap."

Woodslap looked up and his eyes popped out of their sockets as he shouted "HIRO?!" Hiro chuckled and saluted before walking away, Woodslap shook his fist and shouted "You bastard! I've been watching this damn bar for 20 years!" Hiro waved over his shoulder saying "I'll come get it later, Woodslap. Relax, it's not good for your health to get worked up like that."

Woodslap jumped around shouting and Hiro chuckled as he went to the docks. He took out a small boat and said "See you when I see you, kid." he let down the giant Ship of Dreams and got on it, smirking at Yami before sailing away.

Yami watched him go and muttered "What an unreliable guy..." Yachiru held up a backpack and said "Mom-in-law, gave me this!" Yami said "Thank god. Let's go, Ruru." Yachiru smiled and jumped onto the boat with a single cabin, Yami got on as well and said "Shit."

Yachiru looked at him and he said "I don't know how to sail." he sat in the middle and grabbed the oars adding "Fuck it, we go wherever we go." Yachiru giggled and sat in front of him, watching him with a happy expression. Yami smiled and rowed away from the Island, sailing off in the distance.

Hiro was on the ship and smiled "Ready to see the world again, my love?" Zerotwo smiled and said "Of course~" Hiro smiled and said "We're finally going to see the Country made of candy." Zerotwo shot up and said "I've been waiting for 30 years!" Hiro chuckled and said "The wait is over! Onwards to Tottoland!" Zerotwo clapped "Yay!"


Yami was humming as he rowed the bow while Yachiru looked out to the sea. Yami said "Ruru, can you see anything? I'm kinda blind here." Yachiru said "Yeah, you're about to crash into a rock." Yami steered around with the oars, saying "Can't you warn me before we're like inches away?" Yachiru giggled and said "It's more fun when you panic, you're so cute!" Yami sighed and smiled a little as he continued on his way.

Yachiru looked into the sea and said "What's that shiny thing down there?" Yami stopped and looked down saying "Where?" Yachiru pointed at a shiny thing and Yami said "I don't know, I'll go check it out!" Yachiru said "Be careful!" Yami smiled and kissed her nose before jumping into the water.

He swam down into the sea and reached the bottom, good thing he went through breath training. He looked at the treasure chest and picked it up, looking for anything else, there was only a sizeable piece of gold. He took that too and swam back up to the boat, throwing the box onto the boat before climbing inside.

Yachiru was stunned and said "A treasure chest?!" Yami said "And this piece of gold." he looked at Yachiru and said "By the way... How old are you now?" Yachiru said "Technically '18' why?" Yami said "You can't reverse the thingy?" Yachiru shook her head and Yami rubbed his nose and hummed in thought.

Yachiru said "Anyway! Look at this treasure chest!" she opened it and it glowed a golden color, there was even a fruit inside. She was pretty hungry actually and the fruit looked good so she ate it, Yami snapped back and said "What are you doing?" Yachiru gagged and said "Ugh gross! Why! That was disgusting!" Yami was omega confused and said "What happened?" Yachiru said "I ate this fruit-" she held up the bitten fruit before throwing it in the ocean adding "It tasted like shit! It's in my stomach, I can still taste it!"

Yami frowned and closed his eyes before remembering "Ruru! You-" Yachiru suddenly grew to 3 times her size, she blinked and Yami finished "Ate a devil fruit..." Yachiru said "What's that?" as she looked at her naked self. Yami got a full view of her everything at 3 times the size and he explained "A fruit that gives you powers. Dad used to give them to my sis."

Yachiru said "It says in my brain that it's called the Size-Size fruit." Yami said "Never heard of it, but dad used to say 'The limit of the power is your own imagination'. He said something else too... Damn what was it... Oh yeah! The Fruit names are the power you control, so you control 'Size', I'm guessing you can change the size of whatever you want."

Yachiru said "Wow!" before blushing hard and covering between her legs, Yami said "I've already seen it all. It's too late to cover it now." Yachiru shrank down to normal and covered herself up, saying "You're... You're a big pervert!" as she turned around and dug into her backpack, giving Yami another full view of her ass.

Yami looked at her and said "Wow, you're beautiful." Yachiru's ear tip turned red and she got dressed quickly, she wore a big baggy hoodie, jeans that ended above her ankles and one strap sandals with a bra and underwear obviously. She pouted at Yami, who smiled and poked her nose, she said "Hmph! Cherish the memories! It won't happen again!" she shrank along with her clothes this time and jumped to his left shoulder, laying on it.

Normally, she was around 5'11 and Yami was 5'11 as well. They were the same height but Yami was still growing, perhaps he would be taller than Hiro in the future. Yami sighed and said "Dad." Hiro appeared halfway from his shadow and said "What." Yami pointed at Yachiru, who smiled cutely.

Hiro said "Already?! That was fast..." Yachiru coughed and said "It was an accident." Hiro said "I'll bet it was, kid." he touched her head and said "Good thing you didn't go for a swim before calling me. When you eat a Devil Fruit, you lose your ability to swim. Obviously, you dad has the means to get passed this easily, but I will only do it for my sweet daughter-in-law~"

Yami rolled his eyes and said "While you're here, what's this?" he held out the gold chunk and Hiro gasped saying seriously "Where did you find this, Yami." Yami pointed at the bottom of the sea and Hiro mumbled something before saying "I'll trade you a favor for half of that chunk."

Yami raised a brow and said "I want..." he closed his eyes and thought about what he wanted, Hiro read his mind and smirked "You've got style, Kid. I like it. Sure." Hiro tapped on his forehead before 40% of the chunk vanished, Hiro said "I gave you 10% extra... You should know what this is now. Don't call me again." before disappearing back into Yami's shadow.

Yachiru said "What is it, Mimi?" Yami smiled and said "It's a surprise." Yachiru pouted and he said "It's a surprise for you, silly girl." he got up and said "This damn cheapskate didn't tell me about this..." the duo went into the cabin and an entire house was inside. Yachiru shouted "WAH!" Yami shook his head and said "I'll be back, don't come look, okay?" Yachiru pouted and Yami kissed her and said "I'll be back soon, okay?" she nodded and Yami walked into a door before closing it and locking it from the inside.

Yachiru walked around before sitting on the couch and saying "So soft!" She reverted to normal size and laid on the couch, turning on the Tv and flipping the channels, she stopped on one and froze. She put the remote down and grabbed a blanket, her eyes glued to the screen.

It was the first episode of 'Bleach'.


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