
Monkey in the Multiverse

My computer exploded, next thing I know, I'm in a new world with a system! Patre.on: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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371 Chs

Is it still enough?

The group was eating, when a little white haired boy shouted outside "Goddess?" Hestia ran outside saying "Bell-kun~" and tackle hugged him. Bell was startled and said "When did that house get built??" Hestia said "We got 2 new Familia Members today!" Bell was shocked and said "Really?!"

Hiro appeared in front of Bell and looked at him closely, Bell was startled and fell backwards. Hiro's tail caught him and pulled him close, splitting off and moving his hair from his face as Hiro said "What a strange little boy..."

Bell was spooked and said "Monster?!" Hiro grinned and revealed his sharp fangs as he said "Yeah, and I'm going to eat you!" as he licked his teeth, Bell was so scared he fainted. Hiro was stunned and Hestia pounded on his shoulder with her small fists saying "You scared my Bell-kun!"

Hiro moved his tail, pressing against her forehead and pushing her away as her fists windmilled in the air. He looked at Bell and an embarrassed look appeared on his face as he said "I really didn't meant to scare him into fainting..."

He shook Bell awake and said quickly "I was just joking! Relax! We're Familia now... Please don't faint again..." Bell calmed down and said "You're like really scary, man." Hiro felt his mouth twitch and he replied "I get that a lot..."

He let go of Bell and held Hestia upside down by her ankle as he said "Hungry?" Bell said "That's okay-" before his stomach growled and he blushed. Hiro chuckled and said "Come eat." as he walked away, carrying Hestia with his tail as she flailed around saying pitifully "Bell-kun, save me!"

Bell scratched his cheek and said "Goddess... How did you get into this?" Hestia almost cried saying "He just bullies me!" Hiro snickered and said "You want to eat?" Hestia shut her mouth immediately, remembering the best food she had ever eaten in her life.

They ate and Hestia jumped on the couch, sinking into the clouds and giggling to herself at the softness. Hiro rolled his eyes, another mooch in his house. Though it wasn't that bad, at least it was fun to play around with her.

The next day

Zerotwo went to explore around town with Isabella and Hiro went to the dungeon. He got looks from all the people, most were strange looks and some were disdainful looks, while some just looked at him with pity.

They were 100% sure they would never see Hiro again. Who goes into the dungeon with no gear or weapons? He was even wearing slippers for god sakes!

Hiro ignored them and walked right into the dungeon.

He spun Sun into twin pistols and blew all the monsters to oblivion. He collected their magic crystal things and noticed that they had shadows! He didn't quite remember how these monsters worked, some were alive, some weren't, who knows, but they had shadows.

Which means...

Hiro grinned and collected shadow after shadow as he continued on, collecting the crystals, monster drops, and shadows as he made his way down the dungeon.

He took a quick look at his Quests and felt his eyes twitch at some of them.

[Main Quest: Clear the Dungeon- Rewards: ???]


[Become #1 Blacksmith in Orario! Rewards: Random Divine Weapon]

[NO HORNY! Slaughter the Ishtar Familia & Ishtar herself. Rewards: Ultimate Mystery Chest, Senzu Bean seeds]

[You are a kind Oni! Heal Hephaestus' deformity. Rewards: Legendary Mystery Chest]

[Matchmaker Extraordinaire! Get Bell and Hestia together. Rewards: Ultimate Mystery Chest]

[Checkpoint! (Part 1.) Clear 10 floors of the Dungeon! Rewards: Random Magic]

It wasn't exactly the quests themselves, just the names. The system like to be funny sometimes...

He sighed to himself and continued walking around the dungeon, he was going to clear the entire floor before moving on, he wasn't too sure on the respawn times here. So he clearly it quickly, running around and blasting all the monsters, collecting their shadows and crystals as he ran past.

He had a back pack on his back that he made last night from Walrus skin. It was pretty big, plus he enchanted it with space magic. All the crystals were going into his backpack as he stepped on the second floor and started his slaughter again, running all over the place and killing every monster he saw, no matter how big or small.

A while later

He arrived to the 5th floor after taking an enormous amount of time killing monsters. He felt his bag bulge slightly and he killed all the monsters on the 5th floor before leaving.

He had a big harvest today!

He didn't even count the number of monsters he killed, but his bag was full so, it must be a lot.

He didn't even use his shadow army, it was definitely full of weak monsters.

He returned to the surface to see it was already dusk.

He mumbled "I was inside for the whole day? Jeez..." he walked to the Adventurer Building to cash out while thinking that he would just jump to the 6th level tomorrow. He didn't know how much experience he was getting from the weak monsters but he hasn't needed a second shot yet, so probably not a lot.

He walked into the building and walked to a counter looking at the small tray. He looked at the woman behind the counter and said "Is there a bigger one?" The woman was startled and said "I'm sure it will be enough."

She didn't recognize Hiro and assumed he was a new adventurer, trying to act cool. This happened all the time, she couldn't be blamed for this. She subtly looked at him in contempt, all these adventurers liked to show off.

Hiro didn't know he was being looked down on and over turned his backpack, pouring out countless crystals. He looked at the woman as the crystals poured endlessly. He caught the contempt in her eyes just before he overturned the bag.

He said in a colder tone "Is it still enough?" the container over flowed and the crystals fell to the ground as a large pile of crystals started forming on the ground. The woman was unable to respond, Hiro sneered "How about now? Is the container still enough?"

The bag was emptied and there was an even bigger pile on the ground that was visible from the other side of the counter. A woman walked over and said "Is there a problem?" Hiro looked at her and recognized her. It was Eina, Bell's guide or whatever.

He said "She said the container was enough for my crystals. Does it look like it's enough to you?" Eina looked at the woman, who was still in shock from the amount of crystals. Eina pushed up her glasses and said "Are you waiting for something? Start counting."

The woman came back to life and looked at Hiro in fear, realizing she fucked up big time.

Eina looked at Hiro and smiled "Come to me next time, we have special rooms for more crystals." Hiro smiled and said "You're Bell's Advisor right?" Eina said "You know Bell?" Hiro smiled and said "He's part of my Familia, how can I not know him?"

Eina said in shock "You joined Hestia-sama's Familia?" Hiro chuckled and nodded, Eina smiled and said "I can be your advisor if you like." Hiro said "I don't need advise, I just need someone to dump my crystals to." Eina felt her mouth twitch and Hiro looked at her face before laughing as he said "I didn't mean it like that..."

She cleared her throat and pursed her lips saying "If you keep dumping crystals like this, then maybe you'll be famous before long." Hiro rubbed his nose and said "I'd rather not be..." he looked at the gawking eyes and sighed "Being famous is such a bother..."

Eina felt her eyes twitch fiercely, unable to figure Hiro out. He does something shocking and then complains that he doesn't want to be famous...

Truthfully, Hiro was planning to just fill the container but the contempt in the woman's eyes pissed him off, so he decided to humiliate her. Otherwise, he would just have filled it up and left.

Eina helped count before giving Hiro a big bag of Valis. She said "300,000 Valis." Hiro held the bag in one hand and left, waving his hand over his shoulder saying "See you tomorrow, Eina-chan~" as he disappeared.

He reappeared at his house and saw Hestia sleeping on his couch, he looked at Zerotwo, who shrugged saying "She's been there. She doesn't have a house so I figured why not." Hiro smiled and shook his head, dropping the bag of Valis on the table and saying "Did you eat yet, my love?"

Zerotwo shook her head with a smile and Hiro smiled saying "How about I make your favorite?" She clapped happily and flashed to the table, sitting quietly with a cute smile on her face. Hiro chuckled and lit a cigarette before going to cook her favorite, Garlic Honeyed Pork.

It was the first thing he made for her, he had worked on it to perfection and it was his specialty. Though he was basically a master at every sweet dish there was. He even made his own dishes with crazy ingredients.

He served the food and Hestia appeared at the table, licking her lips. Hiro felt his mouth twitch as he said "Can gods get fat?" Hestia paused and mumbled "I actually don't know..." Hiro was serious and said "I'm really curious... Wanna try?"

Hestia looked at the food before eating it and melting into pure joy, Zerotwo smiled happily and ate an entire stack of Garlic Honeyed Pork. She licked her lips and looked at Hiro cutely, he chuckled and went back to the kitchen.

He continued to cook, until Zerotwo really couldn't eat anymore. Hestia had her full and Bell even came over to eat too, Hiro fed Isabella and then gave her a lollipop for her troubles. Hiro carried Hestia back to the run down church and talked to Bell for a while about his progress.

He said he was doing okay, and that his status started climbing fast recently. Hiro was happy for him and hinted at Hestia saying that she was really happy for him too. Bell smiled happily at all the support.

Hiro left him there telling Bell that Hestia has been cold during the night recently so he should probably provide her warmth. Bell waved goodbye and snuggled Hestia innocently. Hiro smiled slyly muttering "Hehe~ Bell, you won't escape the loli-oni combo! HAHAHAHAHAH!"

Zerotwo smacked his head and said "Stop laughing like that, it's creepy." Hiro did a 180 and said "Yes, wife." Zerotwo giggled and snuggled him in their bed, Hiro smiled and pulled her in, slipping his hands into her clothes, causing her to purr and give him a seductive look.

He grinned and started with a kiss.

It was a good thing there weren't any neighbors and that the basement of the church was semi soundproof.

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