
Monkey in the Multiverse

My computer exploded, next thing I know, I'm in a new world with a system! Patre.on: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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371 Chs


Oetsu woke Yami up and said "Let's make your sword come back to life, kid." Yami got up and glared at Oetsu, who waved his hands saying "Come on, don't look at me like that. I even want to make you my successor!" Yami said directly "I refuse." Oetsu said "Yami-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan~ Come on! This is a Zero Division 'Sword God' you know! You can become the next 'Sword God'!"

Yami said "Not interested." Oetsu pouted and Yami looked away, despising Oetsu as he said "What's this about bringing him back to life?" Oetsu smirked and said "You're a lucky, kid! Your sword refuses to die! Hah! Never seen anything like it! I'm going to forge your Zanpakuto now, but who knows if it'll be a 'Zanpakuto' in the end." he chuckled "I'm excited!"

Oetsu snapped his fingers and 5 girls appeared, he whistled and the Asauchi next to Yami flew into the stand on the edge of a cliff. Oetsu hammered down on the Asauchi and grinned "Just as I thought..." the pieces of the broken sword and the scarf itself, flew into the fire.

Oetsu laughed and smashed down with his hammer, Yami watched the fire, his eyes started lighting up as he heard the song of his sword getting stronger and stronger, happier and happier.

A while passed

Yami moved on his own and Oetsu smashed down before stepping back as Yami reached into the fire and grabbed onto something. A massive pillar of flames engulfed Yami and shot through the sky, Yami felt the flames caressing him and giving him happy feelings. He smiled and pulled out a Zanpakuto. It was the same as before, the same look, the same feel, but there was no sheath. In addition, the pommel had the scarf Yami stitched himself, fluttering off it.

Yami held the sword and smiled "Is that your name? Crimson." the sword buzzed and Oetsu appeared, looking at the sword saying "WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! INCREDIBLE! AMAZING! Kid, even if you refuse, I'm taking you as my successor! Holy fuck!"

He paused and said "Can I hold him?" Yami looked at Crimson, who buzzed and handed him over to Oetsu, who looked at him and said "Woooooooooooooooow! But it's missing something..." Izanami's pieces flew over and melted in the fire.

Oetsu and Yami watched as the scarf extended into the fire and Yami's wooden sword flew out of his bag, jumping into the fire. Oetsu's eyes popped out as he said "YOU HAD ANOTEHR ONE?! PLEASE, YAMI-CHAN BECOME MY SUCCESSOR! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!"

Yami ignored him and shot his hand into the forge, the scarf separated itself and formed a new scarf that got sucked into the fire, while the other one returned to normal on the end of Crimson. Yami pulled out a sheath, it was wood with black metal borders. The entire sheath was wrapped with the scarf and the bottom ended with a row of spikes.

Yami sheathed Crimson and the entire thing flashed, Oetsu grinned happily and said "You're crazy! As expected of my successor! HAHA!" Yami blinked and said "I don't recall agreeing." Oetsu sneered "You don't have a choice, buddy boy~!"

Yami rolled his eyes and Oetsu said "Sadly, I have to send you away now. See you when I come get you for successor training~!" Yami flew through the air and said "I refuse... again." Oetsu shouted "I refuse, your refusal!" Yami was stunned and just sighed 'What a crazy guy, I need to come back and give him a few scars for what he did to Crimson...' the sword buzzed in agreement and Yami grinned.

He landed in a palace with cloth everywhere. Yami looked at the woman on a throne and said "You're the one that put me in a bubble?" Senjumaru smiled and said "You're the boy with the scarf made by his little girlfriend~ Her stitching is terrible. It's even weaker than Human clothes." she scoffed at the scarves and said "At least that scarf you wore before gained a spirit, this one is weak and terrible."

Yami frowned and said "Who are you to say that?" Senjumaru said "I'm the Great Weave Guard, responsible for the Shihakushos, obviously concerning cloth, I'm number one. Now remove your clothes boy, we don't have much time and I need your measurements."

Yami frowned and Senjumaru rolled her eyes, taking the scarf from him, removing his backpack and shredding his clothes to pieces, rendering him naked. Yami stood in the nude and said "Give me my scarf back!" Senjumaru waved the scarf saying "This thing?" Yami grabbed his hilt and growled, she rolled her eyes and said "Honestly, such a bother. Relax, kid."

Arms came out of her back and the scarf was re-stitched, integrated with special cloth from the Soul King Palace. She returned the scarf to him and said "At least now it won't be cut to shreds from the air. Hmph!" Yami touched the scarf before saying "Thank you." she hummed "Better." Yami nodded and walked away, making her mouth twitch as she said "No apology!?"

Yami said "I don't apologize." as he walked out, naked. She threw a cloak over him and tied it with a belt before saying "Get out, I can't even look at you anymore. Damn, brat..." Yami was sent to the final palace.

He was wearing basically a robe with a belt. He put Crimson in the belt and walked into the Palace feeling the heaviness of the air. A giant man appeared in front of him and said "IT'S YOU! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU! I HEARD YOU'RE OETSU'S SUCCESSOR!" Yami said softly "No, I'm not. You have the wrong person." Ichibe laughed loudly and almost blew out Yami's ear drums before saying "SO IT'S TRUE! AHAHAHA!"

Yami said "Its not true, it was never true, you're obviously hearing things." Ichibe patted Yami's back and sent him crashing into a wall as he laughed "ALRIGHT LITTLE SUCCESSOR! I'LL MOLD YOU INTO A GREAT MAN! AHAHAH!" Yami just groaned in pain. This guy used all his strength for sure, his bones were hurting but not broken.

He was brought into the Palace and Yami found it a bit hard to breathe, Ichibe laughed and said "THE OTHERS COULDN'T EVEN STAND! AS EXPECTED FROM A SUCCESSOR!" Yami said "I'm not a successor, I'm never coming back here, you're all freaks." Ichibe laughed and said "THAT'S THE SPIRIT!"

Yami just gave up and Ichibe dragged him to the Inner Palace and grinned maliciously, changing his tone "You'll train with me. You still don't have your Zanpakuto's full name..." Yami readied Crimson and Ichibe chuckled "You ready, 'Successor'?" Yami's eyes widened and he was sent flying.

A few days later

Yami was standing in front of a spiral staircase. His hair was cut to shoulder length and tied into a pink messy bun on his head. His Shihakusho changed, it was black and white but his arms weren't in the sleeves. It was tied together with a white belt, his left arm was resting on Crimson's hilt and his Kimono and scarf were fluttering in the wind behind him.

He looked at the stairs and heard "Yami-chan~! Come back soon, okay? Successor training is tough!" Yami said "Tch." and jumped down the middle of the spiral staircase, flying down to the bottom with a blank face.

He reached out and caught the rice ball, stuffing it in his backpack, before spinning it into an earring, clasping to his left ear, looking like a thick ring. Ichigo jumped down after him, hearing that the Soul Society was attacked 3 hours ago.

Zaraki was fighting 4 women after killing a kid. He was currently smashed into the ground with a giant axe beside him. The 4 women suddenly looked up and a lightning bolt slammed down in front of them all.

They looked at the kid who just appeared and said "Who are you!?" the kid straightened up and said "Just die already, I have a girlfriend." the women had their heads severed from their necks and their bodies shredded to ribbons.

Cracks opened on the ground and purple demon hands reached out and dragged them into the ground, disappearing from the world forever. Zaraki looked up and said "Not too bad, kid." Yami flicked his hair from his face and said "Your song is shit."


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