

After the great siege of monke culture the monkes had to seperate and go into hiding in order to keep what was left of monke kind alive. The monkeys were seperated into different groups, Gorilla Monke, Smol Monke and Classic Monke. They developed different lifestyles and intelligence, nevertheless, they still tried to proceed the following of their culture and morals. The great monke Gurus watched over the three monke kinds whilst being deceased. Most monke Gurus died protecting their almighty pacifist culture. The seperation of the monke groups created unbalance in the monke way, creating a monke hierarchy, which caused anger in the monke Gurus, making some monke groups to cease to exist and wither away. One day in the age of man they decided to reunite with eachother, which restored their great supreme monke intelligence, forming the almighty plans of the great monke uprising. The monkes spied on the great republic of man to know of their ways, which benefited their plans on retaking their thrown. They relied on the guidance of their ancestors too coalesce their form to attempt to regain the ancient form of the old monke days, before the corrupt days of man. They brewed ancient monke medicine of strength and intelligence in order to enhance their brains and muscles. The ways of monke came closer and closer to the old ways in order to recreate the monke culture, until... The man started destroying and pillaging monke villages and jungles, they destroyed the tombs of the great monke Gurus, except one, the tomb of Guru monkesani of food and cooking. This made the monkes revert back to their uncultured forms, seperating once again, but they persisted and stayed together. They stayed as allies but the knowledge withered. Monke kind planned on making a return that would cost years but they had faith in their culture