
Monke's Bizzare Adventure

A man dies from the most infamous serial killer, Truck-kun, and wakes up in the body of Mori Jin (Monkey King) from TGOH in the FATEverse.. A No-Harem, Multiverse fanfic

Heavenly_Demon13 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

You though it was [dropped] But it's me [Regular Updates]

Hello there my fellow monkeys! You see your fellow sect member was having quite a bad time recently so *cough* I couldn't really write but I planned out a proper plot for this one and my other work too, as well as getting a few more ideas for future works when I complete this one or at least have a 50 chap draft.

As for what the problem was, what's the first thing that comes to your mind after you think a guy has problems, it's that and other stuff too. Got sick frequently, and my self-esteem and confidence went to get milk but never came back :3, etc., etc.

Well, I'm at least a bit better than before so there is no point in delaying further.

I'm working on my original work too so you'll probably see 5chap/week, maybe 6 or 7 If my monke brain can function correctly.

I'm gonna have to rewrite the kingdom-building arc, so I'm deleting the previous chapter, that is CH-13's gonna wither away, more like I'm rewriting it but you get what I mean.

So hopefully you can expect a chapter today.

Other than that, sorry for leaving you guys hanging, I thought of dropping this one but fortunately, I thought of a good plot ahead to keep it going. I know it's still subpar, but to those who've been there since I first started and are still waiting for an update, you have my sincere thanks and monke salute! Tell me your address and I'll mail you a few dozen bananas.

Thank you for reading and supporting this work,

Peace out and Sayonara <3