
Money is my slave

Transported to an unfamiliar world, Gavi "Dive into a World of Shadows, Betrayal, and Redemption as Gavi Transforms from an Underdog to a Mastermind. Will He Conquer the Darkness or be Consumed by It?"

_Azezal_ · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 4: The Enigmatic System

As consciousness returned, Gavi and Nikshay found themselves side by side, their bodies sprawled on the unfamiliar ground. Blinking away disorientation, they exchanged bewildered glances. The storm, the colors, the pain—it all seemed like a surreal dream.

Nearby, Naman and Aryan were stirring, their eyes blinking open as they exchanged groggy smiles. "What was that? Did we all just...?" Naman's voice trailed off, the questions reflecting the uncertainty that hung in the air.

Further away, Dhurv was slowly regaining his senses, rising to his feet. His analytical mind was already piecing together the fragments of what had happened. "Some sort of shift... a dimensional transition?" he mused aloud.

As if on cue, the roommates began to take stock of their surroundings, a shared sense of confusion and concern uniting them. The landscape before them was unlike anything they had ever encountered, and the implications of the mysterious window that had appeared weighed heavily on their minds.

Gavi's heart raced as he read the words displayed within the window.

**Mission: Become the World's Richest Person

Time Limit: Your Life

Reward: Unknown

Penalty: Unknown**

The words seemed to echo in the silence, stirring a mixture of curiosity and unease among the roommates. The implications were clear: they were no longer in the world they knew, and they were now bound by rules they couldn't fathom.

Nikshay's voice trembled as he voiced what they were all thinking. "Is this real? Are we... in some sort of game?"

Naman's brows furrowed, his expression one of disbelief. "Becoming the richest person? Is that even possible here?"

Aryan's gaze shifted from the window to his friends, determination sparking in his eyes. "Whatever this is, we need to figure it out. Together."

As if on cue, the window vanished, leaving them standing amidst the strange landscape, their hearts heavy with the weight of the unknown.

They exchanged glances, a silent agreement forming among them. The bonds of friendship that had anchored them through everything so far were now their lifeline in this bewildering new world.

Gavi spoke, his voice determined. "If there's a mission, then we'll face it together. We'll unravel this mystery, understand the rules, and find a way back... or find a way forward."

As the storm clouds dispersed and the alien landscape stretched before them, their resolve solidified. They might not know the nature of the mission, the rewards, or the penalties, but they did know one thing—their unity was their greatest strength.

And so, they began to walk, their steps guided by a shared purpose, their hearts unburdened by fear, and their friendship steadfast as they ventured into the unknown, ready to unravel the enigma that had become their new reality.