
Money is my slave

Transported to an unfamiliar world, Gavi "Dive into a World of Shadows, Betrayal, and Redemption as Gavi Transforms from an Underdog to a Mastermind. Will He Conquer the Darkness or be Consumed by It?"

_Azezal_ · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 26: Shadows of Deception

Gavi's body ached with every step he took through the unfamiliar streets of the city. His injuries were a constant reminder of the fierce battle he had waged to escape his captors. As he walked, his mind raced, replaying the events that had led him to this point.

His heart sank as he checked his system balance, only to find it drastically diminished. Confusion etched across his face as he tried to make sense of it all. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut – Nikshay, his friend and brother-in-arms, had betrayed him. The very person he had trusted with his life had turned against him.

Gavi's thoughts swirled with a mix of anger, hurt, and disbelief. How could Nikshay have taken over their business and left him to languish in that wretched cell? The weight of the betrayal bore down on him, threatening to crush his spirit. He had always believed in the strength of their bond, but now that foundation had crumbled beneath him.

The city around him seemed to blur as Gavi's mind grappled with the harsh reality. He found himself standing before a small shop, his hunger gnawing at him. With a heavy sigh, he entered and approached the counter. The shopkeeper's gaze lingered on him, a mix of curiosity and pity in their eyes.

"Can I help you?" the shopkeeper asked, their voice laced with sympathy.

Gavi's throat felt dry as he managed to utter a simple request. "Just a normal bread, please."

The shopkeeper nodded and handed over the bread, their gaze lingering on Gavi's worn and battered appearance. He took the bread and stepped outside, finding a spot on the footpath where he could sit. It was a stark contrast to the life he had known – a life of success, friendship, and dreams.

As he nibbled on the bread, Gavi's mind continued to churn. His thoughts returned to Nikshay, the memories of their shared laughter and struggles now tainted by betrayal. He wondered what could have driven Nikshay to such lengths, to forsake their friendship and partnership.

Just as Gavi's thoughts threatened to overwhelm him, he heard a voice that cut through the turmoil in his mind. It was a voice he recognized – the same voice that had led him to this forsaken place. The voice of the unknown person who had orchestrated his kidnapping.

Gavi's heart raced as he listened to the voice, his instincts on high alert. He strained to make out the words, his senses honed in on every syllable. The voice spoke of plans, of manipulation, and of a sinister plot that extended far beyond Gavi's imagination.

Anger burned within Gavi's chest, fueling his determination to uncover the truth. He knew he had to escape this situation, to confront his betrayer, and to reclaim the life that had been stolen from him. With renewed resolve, he finished the last crumbs of the bread and stood up.

The journey ahead was treacherous, filled with uncertainty and danger. But Gavi was no stranger to adversity, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay in his path. As he set out into the city once more, his eyes locked onto the horizon, he vowed to expose the shadows of deception that had cast a dark cloud over his world.