
Money is my slave

Transported to an unfamiliar world, Gavi "Dive into a World of Shadows, Betrayal, and Redemption as Gavi Transforms from an Underdog to a Mastermind. Will He Conquer the Darkness or be Consumed by It?"

_Azezal_ · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 16: A Lesson in Principle

As Gavi and Nikshay walked away from the landlord's offer, a hint of doubt lingered in Nikshay's eyes. "Are we really going to decline that offer?" he asked Gavi.

Gavi's expression held a quiet determination. "Just wait, Nikshay. He'll be coming after us."

Sure enough, the landlord's hurried footsteps approached them, his expression marked by a mix of remorse and realization. "I'm sorry," he began, "I let greed cloud my judgment. I understand now. I'm willing to sell you the land for 500k."

Gavi's gaze locked onto the landlord's, a hint of satisfaction playing at the corners of his lips. "Deal. It's done."

With that, the landlord left, leaving Gavi and Nikshay standing in a mix of triumph and pragmatism. Nikshay couldn't help but chuckle, the tension of the moment dissipating. "I guess all those principles and morals were just… well, you know."

Gavi's response was unwavering, his voice carrying a weight of truth. "Always remember, Nikshay, in this world, there are no fixed morals. Adaptation is key."

As if to punctuate Gavi's point, the enigmatic system pinged, signaling a significant development:

**Skill Manipulation Leveled Up

Level 3**

Gavi and Nikshay exchanged a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment of the lessons they had learned. With renewed clarity, they continued their journey, their conviction bolstered by the realities of the world they navigated.

The drive-through had flourished, and the prospect of opening a proper restaurant beckoned. Gavi's mind buzzed with ideas, each one a step towards their expanded vision. "First, let's assemble a dedicated team for the drive-through," he proposed. "We need three helpers, a manager, and a cashier."

Nikshay nodded in agreement, his determination mirroring Gavi's. "Agreed. We'll ensure their commitment and loyalty with unbreakable contracts. No room for cheating."

With the parameters set, Nikshay took charge of the task, diligently selecting and interviewing potential candidates. Soon, the team was formed, and Gavi and Nikshay introduced them to their positions:

1. Manager - Emma

2. Cashier - Olivia

4. Helper - Ethan

5. Helper - Liam

6. Helper - Noah

Gavi and Nikshay engaged the new team members in a heartfelt conversation about the future of the restaurant. They discussed the importance of teamwork, dedication, and their shared vision for culinary excellence. The team responded with enthusiasm, eager to contribute their skills to the endeavor.

With the staff in place, Gavi and Nikshay's drive and ingenuity remained as potent as ever. The restaurant's next chapter was on the horizon, promising innovation, expansion, and an unyielding pursuit of success.

As they delved deeper into the realm of business, Gavi and Nikshay knew that challenges would continue to test their resolve. However, armed with the knowledge they had gained and the strength of their partnership, they were determined to rise above every obstacle and make their mark in the competitive world of gastronomy.