
Money is my slave

Transported to an unfamiliar world, Gavi "Dive into a World of Shadows, Betrayal, and Redemption as Gavi Transforms from an Underdog to a Mastermind. Will He Conquer the Darkness or be Consumed by It?"

_Azezal_ · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 12: Culinary Dreams Unveiled

The path to success was paved with determination, innovation, and a touch of audacity. Gavi and Nikshay had embarked on a journey to establish a drive-through restaurant, navigating the intricacies of an enigmatic world. Their mission was clear, and as they stood at the brink of realization, the name of their mini-restaurant awaited its revelation.

Gavi turned to Nikshay, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Nikshay, my friend, we need a name that captures the essence of what we're offering. Something catchy, something that lingers in the minds of our customers."

Nikshay grinned, his mind racing with possibilities. "How about 'SpeedEats Drive-Thru'? It's fast, it's convenient, and it speaks to the heart of what we're delivering."

Gavi nodded in agreement. "SpeedEats Drive-Thru it is, then. Let's make it a name that becomes synonymous with quality and quick service."

With the name chosen, their next task was no less daunting—the procurement of materials essential for crafting a delectable menu. Gavi and Nikshay set out on a determined quest, their footsteps carrying them to a local trader. The trader's eyes widened at their request, clearly unfamiliar with the notion of burgers, pizzas, and tacos.

Gavi leaned in, his tone persuasive. "We're envisioning a menu that will revolutionize dining in this world. Burgers, pizzas, wraps—all wrapped in an unparalleled experience. And we'll wash it down with a refreshing local shikhanji."

The trader scratched his head, skepticism giving way to intrigue. "Shikhanji, you say? Well, I've got the ingredients for that."

As the negotiation danced between words and numbers, Gavi and Nikshay's persuasive skills shone through. They haggled, they bargained, and with every word exchanged, their vision inched closer to reality.

Finally, an agreement was reached. The trader handed over the materials—ingredients that would soon be transformed into mouthwatering culinary delights. Burgers, pizzas, tacos, wraps, and shikhanji—each ingredient held the promise of a unique experience, a symphony of flavors waiting to be orchestrated.

The cost was steep—20,000 zels, a significant dent in their funds. But this was an investment in their dream, a testament to their unwavering resolve. The enigmatic system's window pinged with a notification:

**Amount Deducted: 20,000 Zels**

**Balance Left: 10,000 Zels**

**Ability Unlocked: Cooking Level 1**

**Job: Temporary Owner of a Shop for 2 Months**

Gavi and Nikshay exchanged a determined glance. With materials in hand and a dream in their hearts, they were poised to create a culinary haven that would transcend the boundaries of this enigmatic world.

As they left the trader's stall, their steps were lighter, their spirits lifted by the weight of possibilities. The road ahead was paved with challenges, but each challenge was a stepping stone toward their ultimate goal—to craft a dining experience that would linger in the memories of all who indulged in the flavors of SpeedEats Drive-Thru.

And so, with renewed purpose and a vision that burned brighter than ever, Gavi and Nikshay ventured forth into the realm of cooking, ready to turn ingredients into art, and dreams into a delectable reality.