

It's my second day, i went to class and Jackson was there and our eyes met. I was a little scared of him because of what i saw yesterday.

I tried to ignore him and sat down, but he approached me and grabbed my hand and pulled it so hard that i jumped out of my seat in pain, "Is there something you want to tell us Rebecca?" The professor said, "No, professor i'm sorry to interrupt your class." I answered in a low voice

I sat down and looked at him with a questioning look to explain to me why he did this, but he did not explain anything

This day was finally over and i was going to the car. I saw my car and it was covered in paint. I got so angry and went to Jackson and started yelling at him, "How can you do this to my car you idiot?!" "Oh, was that your car i'm sorry i didn't know" "Just stay away from me do you understand i don't care what you are or who you are stay away i'm warning you" He raised his both hands, and i went washed my car, and went home

"Oh my God, how can he be so rude, but i will take my revenge on you handsome."