

One night I was sitting with my dog ​​in the garden, I saw something that fell next to me, so I lit it and touched it to see if it was alive, and this thing changed my life forever.

Suddenly the money was flying out of my hand everywhere!! Naturally I was shocked because I had never seen this amount of money in my life. We are a middle-class family.How will I tell my family about this and how would they believe me?!

I sat between me and myself and it was an hour, but then I decided to go in and tell them the whole truth, so I went in and showed them, but they were more shocked than me.They were like what? how can you do this?!!!

So i told them,but it was better for us now we can achieve everything we want.Now my dad can pay his debts, my brother can buy a car, and my mom can stop working, i was so excited.

We decided to move to a big house and started searching until I found it, this is my dream house. It has the room that every girl desires, big room has a big closet so I ran and settled in it before my brother take it, Is all of this really happening or it's going to be a dream and I'll wake up from it eventually?

Everything was peaceful and I was the only one on this earth who could do that,but I wasn't the only supernatural being on earth.