

We arrived and finished the last day of exams. There was a party for the end of the year, and everyone had to bring a partner, whether from the university or outside.

Many boys started asking the girls if they would accept to go with them, and i was waiting for Jackson to ask me, but he didn't, and after some time we went down to the field to say goodbye to each other, and suddenly we see a plane that passed over the building and threw flowers at us, then i heard Jackson's voice coming from every speaker at college, he says, "Rebecca Michael Johnson, would you like to go to the party with me?" And then he walked towards me and i said out loud, "With pleasure," everyone started clapping.

Honestly, i was thinking that if he wanted to ask me if i wanted to go to the party with him and did all of this, what if he wanted to propose to me, what would he do?