

It was midnight we were still studying, and when we finished our lesson for the day, Jackson said, "Honestly, i'm really tired today. I'm going to sleep right away." So i offered him to stay for the night, and at first he did not accept, but eventually he was convinced and i laid him on the sofa to sleep.

I woke up the next day and "Oh noooo! , we were late for the first day of exams" and started running and woke Jackson, "Come on, Jackson, wake up, we're late." Jackson got up quickly, and we went fast.

When we arrived, we entered the principal's office and she said, "Yes? Would you like to explain to me why you were late on the first day of exams?" So i said, "We're really sorry. We were studying late and we fell asleep." She said, "Hmmm, I'll believe you were studying." And here Jackson almost cried laughing at what she said.

When the day was over we went out together and started talking about what we did in the exams, whether it was right or not, and Jackson said, "Let's have lunch somewhere and start studying so we don't get late like yesterday," and i agreed.