
Chapter 2

"Think about it, John. You're going to meet your daughter for the first time. That's the best feeling in the world, knowing you're a dad", said Flea, patting him on the back.

John sighed as he adjusted his tie, his long dark curly hair pulled back away from his face. "I know, but I had no idea she was pregnant. It was a one-night stand and we were both drunk. I hope her parents don't kill me and that my daughter likes me", he sighed.

"She's probably still hurting after her mom died, just be kind. And she does look a lot like you", said Flea.

"Except for the eyes", replied John with a weak chuckle.

John was still in shock when his lawyer had told him he had a daughter, suggesting he visit the law office and meet with her grandparents. His lawyer had shown him a picture of the girl and John immediately knew she was his daughter, she had reminded him of how he looked as a child except for her blue eyes. "I still can't believe I have a daughter. If I had found out years ago, I would have been in no shape to have a kid", he said.

"You're sober now, you're ready to be a dad. And we'll help", said Flea reassuringly.

John took a cab to the lawyer's office in downtown LA and waited for the receptionist at the front desk to lead him to the office. He felt as though he was having an out of body experience when he entered the office, the door shutting behind him with an audible creak. "Mr. Williams has been expecting you", said the receptionist as she left the office.

John wished he knew how to pray when he entered the book-lined office. He immediately tensed up and felt out of place in the oak-paneled office with its dark oak furniture and scent of Lemon Pledge and cigars. The sensation was only reinforced when he saw the dignified older couple in black suits, the woman seated next to a little girl in a black sailor dress with white trim. John immediately felt guilty at his own discomfort, knowing the little girl had recently lost her mother and was going to meet her new father. What struck him was her solemn expression, a miniature adult in her black dress. Her curly dark brown hair contrasted with her very fair skin and black dress, her eyes downcast. Just then she turned towards him and John was struck by her eyes. They were large in her little face and of a vivid dark blue, the color of sapphires but with striking purple highlights, like a sapphire with streaks of amethyst. He mused that they were very sad and serious eyes on such as a young child.

"Mr. Frusciante, Mr. Williams, please have a seat. We are here to discuss the last will and testament of Zoe Lacroix. Mr. Frusciante, Miss Lacroix named you as the father of her daughter in the will, which was witnessed by myself and her parents and notarized by our notary downstairs. Since the deceased had no other known partners, the probability of you being the father is very high. If you wish to undergo paternity testing, you may do so. Here is the last will and testament of Zoe Lacroix", said the lawyer as he began to read:

"If you are reading this, I am dead or have gone missing. To my parents, I bequeath my collection of Greek and Latin literature and my jazz albums on vinyl. To my brother Basil, I bequeath my daughter's old clothes as he has a young daughter. To my daughter Nika Sophia I bequeath my collection of jazz albums on CD, my books in English translation and my purple rings. I ask for her father, Mr. John Anthony Frusciante of Los Angeles, California, have custody of our daughter. She is to educated in a manner consistent with her intelligence, either by homeschooling, private school or tutor since I do not trust the public schools with someone of her level of intelligence. This document was written while of sound mind and witnessed by my parents, lawyer and the notary".

John felt his mouth go dry and his hands were clammy as sank back into his seat. The older gentleman stood up and John rose from his chair, a dull flush on his cheeks. "Mr. Frusciante, I wish we had met under other circumstances. I am Nika's grandfather, Pierre Lacroix", he said in an upper-class English accent.

John shook his hand and raised an eyebrow. "My father was Belgian French, but I was born and raised in England", he explained. "When Zoe told us she was pregnant, we were shocked. Zoe was always a straight A student and very straight-laced, she was in the Honors Society and in Eta Sigma Phi, the honors society for Classics majors. We had no idea she would ever fall pregnant, certainly not from a one night stand. But we have a beautiful granddaughter, Nika is our first grandchild. I am aware of your, um, unusual life, Mr. Frusciante. Nika needs to know her father", he said.

Nika slid off the chair and gave him a look, cocking her head to the side and appraising him with those big dark blue eyes. "You're my father?", she asked softly.

John gave her a kindly smile . "Yes, Nika. I just found out recently and even though I don't have much experience with kids, I'm looking forward to being a dad", he said.

Nika looked at him with her big solemn eyes. "Okay. Other girls don't like me, they call me a nerd", she said matter-of-factly.

"There's nothing wrong with being smart", he exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter", she shrugged.

John frowned, hoping that Clara would like his daughter and wondering what sort of upbringing she'd had with her mother and grandparents. "All right, I suppose if you are my father, I ought to call you something", she said pragmatically.

"Uh, Dad, I guess", he said.

"All right, Dad. I suppose I'll be moving in with you, Pepere and Grandmere can send my stuff over", she said.

John sighed, wondering how a little girl could be so serious. "Yeah, I suppose you'd like your stuff. We got two weeks in LA and then we tour the British Isles", he said.

"Are you going to England? Pepere and Grandmere are from England", she asked, a spark of curiosity on her face.

John was glad to see that curiosity in his daughter. "Yes, we're playing shows in London, Birmingham and Manchester before going to Ireland and Scotland. We tour for two weeks and go home for two weeks", he explained.

"Good, I wish you the best of luck on your tour", said Pierre.

"Thank you, sir", he replied as they shook hands.