
Monarch of the Shadow

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Trion_0152 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


What, how am I alright? I am pretty sure that I was in a car accident. Said Gerald in a frightened voice and was panting heavily.

He was having a headache that bad that he had to held his head tightly just to subdue the pain but it vanished in the moment like it was never there, like it was just a fragment of his imagination. But now as the pain subsided he noticed his surroundings.

He noticed many demons with wing, horns and red in colour were arround him. He also noticed a man with no extraordinary features and looks just like a normal human sitting on a skull throne.

As he noticed the man sitting on the throne. The demon nearest to him kicked his knees and made him kneel down and said "Show some respect kid. You are in the presence of the Demon God. The destroyer of world, the god's enemy, the challenger to the throne of the universe, the Harginger of Sins, the evil, the cursed, the one who opposes the divine, the....." as he continued to praise the man sitting on the throne, the Demon god said "Silence!"

The room then errupted into pin drop silence and then the Demon god continued "I summoned you here to this plane so that you will make my wish come true and conquer the world of pangea. For that you will have to go to that world and build an army there and then make that world a demon territory."

Gerald said "what if I said no"

In an instant he felt his neck being sliced and cut apart. While in the next instant he was alright then he felt his body swelling up and the exploded. This vicious cycle of dying and comming back to life with the memories intact of pain felt during dying. After what felt like eons to gerald, the torture finnaly stopped. Then the demon god said again "where were we? Oh right conquer the world of pangea and turn that world into demon territory. Will you do it?

Gerald then said "Do I actually have a say i this matter?"

Demon god replied negetively.

Gerald said yes meekly due to fatigue from dying and coming back to life constantly and the powerlessness in not being able to make decisions about his own life.

The Demon God then said "Very well. For this task you will need some skills and blessings. And you will choose them mow."

He further added "You can choose 3 s rank abilities." As he said this 10 black pillars came out of the floor beneath them. On the pillars their were some words written. The skills written on each pillars from first to last were---

1)Abyssal Nova: Unleashing a cataclysmic surge of dark energy, creating a vortex of destruction that consumes everything in its path, leaving only desolation in its wake.

2)Nightmare Weaving: The ability to manipulate dreams and induce horrifying nightmares in others, causing psychological trauma or even driving them to madness.

3)Eclipsing Eclipse: A forbidden technique that eclipses the very essence of existence, plunging the world into darkness and chaos, where reality itself becomes unstable and unpredictable.

4)Necrotic Grasp: The power to drain the life force from living beings with a mere touch, leaving them weakened or even lifeless in an instant.

5)Soul Shatter: A skill that fractures the essence of a person's soul, causing immense pain and potentially driving them to madness or despair.

6)Void Whisper: The capability to commune with the void, granting forbidden knowledge and the ability to cast devastating curses or summon eldritch horrors from beyond.

7)Skill Extraction: A dark art enabling the forcible extraction of abilities from another's mind or soul. The user drains specific talents from their victim, leaving them diminished. The stolen skills empower the user.

8)Blood Rituals: Dark ceremonies that harness the power of blood magic, allowing the user to manipulate life force, cast powerful spells, or even control the minds of others through sacrificial rites.

9)Dark Enchantment: The skill to imbue objects or individuals with malevolent energy, corrupting their essence and twisting them to serve the user's dark purposes.

10)Shadowmeld: The talent to merge with shadows, becoming virtually invisible and intangible, allowing for stealthy movement and surprise attacks from the darkness.

After reading them Gerald fell into deep contemplation and thinking. Imagining various scenarios in his head. He was then analyzing every skill to deeper levels and then finally came to the desicion Eclipsing Eclipse, Shadowmeld, Dark Enchantment, Blood Rituals & Void Whisper are off the table for not being his type. Out of the five left he then came to the decision of removing Necrotic Grasp and Nightmare Weaving as they are also not his type. And finally choose Soul Shatter, Skill Extraction & Abyssal Nova. After making his decision he said that to the demon god.

The demon god raised an eyebrow at this and asked his reasoning for the decision. Gerald said he just didn't like other skills as they were not his type. He just wanted to get stronger fast and take revenge from his father for abandoning him and his mother as soon as he can. At this demon god smiled and replied no need to worry these skills can take you to top faster than you can imagine. Then he proceeded to grant him ability boost blessing, intelligence boost blessing, weapon mastery blessing & language mastery blessing.

And as soon as it was finished the demon god transmigrated him to the world of pangea.

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