
Monarch of Solitude: Daily Quest System

Waking up with grave dirt in his mouth, his new life started with death. Rino wakes up as a lich in the afterlife. The once-respected court magician took a while to understand that his newly found immortality came with a strange responsibility. Marked by the Gods managing the world he destroyed, they sent him to another world with the powers of a lich, doomed to work for all eternity. "Build us a kingdom and we will let you rest in peace," the Gods told him. Given a daily quest system to assist him with his kingdom building project, the rebellious Rino built it one body at a time. "Nobody will disturb my idle days," Rino vowed. "Not humans, nor birds, nor Gods." Can he successfully thwart all attempts to work? Read to find out. Note: NO ROMANCE! === Cover: Not my original. Edit help by Truedawn. Support me: https://www.patreon.com/destinyaitsuji Check out my other works: www.destinyaitsuji.com Stalk me on IG @destiny_aitsuji Watch my live streams on YT Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/UrtDMXn

Destiny_Aitsuji · Fantasy
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248 Chs

Tannery Construction (2)

Feeling like he aged twenty years just listening to Rino's story, Kragami brought the potato beer out. He needed stronger alcohol to deal with his student's problems. Knowing that there was a power gap between their abilities as magicians was one thing. Acknowledging that no amount of hard work would bring him anywhere close to what Rino could accomplish was another.

Depression hit the hardest in times that Kragami least expected. He knew that his student would become someone significant in the future, but this kind of progress was still too fast for the necromancer to believe.

"Let me get this straight," Kragami downed a mug of potato beer. "You want to build a tannery in the town and place an order for a lot of wooden planks that you will carry in your shadow sack to fly back. At the same time, you want to bring back a stack of paper for creating a grimoire, clay vats, silk, linen, cotton and hemp seeds."