
Monarch of Seals

He could taste and smell the sweet flavor and scent of death as it beckoned for him, now he became sure of it – Who ever said death was scary lied. He was Jason Varros, a mute legendary killer who always carried a black violin and whose mere mentioning brought despair to his foes. His death was nothing short of spectacular but he was glad for in his generation, He - a mute had bested them all. Unfortunately, fate had something in store for him, his chapter was not over yet. As a matter of fact - his story was just beginning for he would later awaken a forbidden power - a power others deemed sacred and only for the Gods and he would be hunted for it. The power of SEALS. But Jason being Jason would never submit, he would show them all,,,,,the masses and their gods alike- they would all kneel before him.

Hero_8745 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 8 : Hunted 2

It was from then that Martha and Denvos (Samael's parents) had actually deemed it necessary for Samael to know exactly what had transpired and marked them as the bad guys that needed to be hunted.

Apparently Samael was what could be called a miracle child. Someone who was actually not supposed to be born and should not exist.

The reason for that was that his father was actually an elven prince and his mother was a vampire princess. Both of them were royalties but from different continents. One was from the Daybreak continent and the other was from the Nightbreak continent.

They had fallen in love the midst of a war between the elves and the vampires. That war had run for more than 20 years and in those two decades, the two of them had fallen head over heels in love such that by the end of the war, Jason had been conceived.

Procreation between monsters and the awakened was believed to be impossible and yet it had happened. That was like - a one in a billionth chance. And to further propagate that notion, children in the vampire society in Fellos were only born through a process called being "Embraced" and not the traditional method of reproduction adopted by humans. So it came as a surprise and as something that could only be deemed as "uncharted territory" for a being who had a vampire constitution to bear a child the human way.

When the vampire king and the elven king found out about the miracle child, their greed had been aroused. They wanted control of such a child and studying the mysteries behind his birth would probably give them new ways to gain more power.

Vampire and Elves were known as beings that were too proud when it came to their bloodlines, especially the elves but infront of gaining true power such ideals were easily cast aside.

Fortunately, Martha and Denvos had known about the repercussions that would result from their unholy union. As such they had disappeared like dust even before the two races discovered their secret.

Their dissappearance had caused both dynasties to point their fingers at each other. The Elves claimed that the vampires had kidnapped and even drank their prince dry while the Vampires claimed that the Elves had kidnapped the vampire princess inorder to steal the miracle baby. With both dynasties at each other's throats, a new raging war had begun.

Martha and Denvos did know how their trails that led to the Infinity dungeon had been discovered but from then on they had been hunted. At first, it was only the elves since the vampires did not have access to the Infinity Dungeon but now, the humans had joined the hunt and that would account for the holy knights.