
When a God Awakens

"YOUR HOLINESS, what should I do?" the little Supreme asked him. "Please teach me how to create my own flame weapons the fastest way."

Forrester was amused by the little Supreme's enthusiasm to "learn" the fire technique that would allow her to create weapons made of her own flame.

Funny. You were the one who invented the flaming weapons, Supreme. You don't have to "learn" it. All you have to do is remember it, just like what the Black Serpent needs to do in order to "master" the water technique.

Now, the situation was getting riskier.

To create a flame weapon, the second barrier in the little Supreme's heart would crack a bit.

Honestly, he didn't know what would happen if the second barrier cracked. But he was confident that he could stop it.

I have to risk everything for the sake of my Holy Scepter.

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