
Divine Civil War

AKU clicked his tongue while watching Yumi scream in agony as she was being roasted to death by the Black Flame.

Then, just like a while ago, she combusted and burned into ashes.

That's already the fifth time that it happened since I arrived here.

By "here," he meant the praying room for Kyro in his palace. He brought Yumi there only to watch his darling wife die again and again in front of him. The frustration and the anger on the god's face couldn't be hidden.

"Why don't you just break Yumi's connection to Kiho?" Aku asked the Moon God in his spirit form, then he crossed his arms over his chest. "Yumi already betrayed her son. And I heard from Lord Ripperton that she has been disowned by Kiho. A spirit guardian disowned by their master could no longer return to their side. That also means that Yumi's connection to Kiho is at its weakest now. She could cut it off herself, to be honest."

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