
Ziyu Went Back

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Lu Shijie's clothes were soaked with sweat, he was truly terrified.

He had been deceived by Gu Ci once before, and the pain was unbearable. He held a grudge and wanted revenge, but he had provoked a devil. Gu Ci's smile became his nightmare. Despite being bloodthirsty and cruel, she smiled so gently.

"Do you understand clearly?"

Lu Shijie gnashed his teeth in hatred but forced by fear, he replied, "I promise, I'll stay far away from you."

"Good boy!" Gu Ci put down the surgical knife and applied gauze to him. "If only you had been obedient earlier, you wouldn't have suffered like this."

Lu Shijie's face turned pale.

Gu Ci walked to the door, as if she had remembered something, she looked back at him coldly. "Stay away from me, and stay away from Lu Zhiyuan. Lu Shijie, this is my final warning to you!"

Gu Ci left the ward but unexpectedly saw Lu Zhiyuan. He looked at her with a dim gaze.