
True Love Kills

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Gu Ci touched her earlobe, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Brother, did you come to find me because there's something?"

Jiang Junlin didn't beat around the bush, implying, "Ziyu is still young, let him go on fewer field assignments."

Gu Ci hesitated, "How did you know?"

Jiang Junlin said calmly, "Recently, someone at a dinner mentioned a conflict with Chen Liangdong. He made an exception to recruit a child, so I paid attention. Add to that, Lu Shijie was sentenced to death. He deserved it, but his crime didn't warrant death. This matter isn't hard to investigate. If the child isn't at home this late at night, besides a field assignment, what else could it be?"

A jolt of apprehension surged through Gu Ci. If Ziyu wasn't home at night, they always said he was at the Ministry of State Security. She believed Ziyu and never doubted it. But if he was really going on field assignments, she wasn't happy.