
Third Young Master and Third Master

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Pei Qiuying shouted wildly, her long hair flowing like seaweed over her rounded shoulders. "It was you who saved me when the Rong family tried to kill me. You taught me strategy, provided me with an education. For all these years, you've been by my side, helping me overcome obstacles. I want power, and you've helped me eliminate barriers. What other reason could there be if not that you like me?"

"Calm down, Pei Qiuying," Lu Zhiyuan bent down, coldly gripping her chin. "You are a dog I raised within the triad, and I point, you bite. A master cherishes a loyal and obedient dog. If you persist in your delusions, I won't hesitate to replace you! I can lift you up, but I can also bring you down!"

Pei Qiuying felt as if lightning had struck her. She watched helplessly as Lu Zhiyuan walked away. Her bodyguards rushed to her side. "Miss..."