
The Little Wolf Cub's Past 2

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

One day, a homeless man bought some raw beef to feed his dog. While he turned away, Ji Chi lunged toward the dog and snatched half a piece of raw beef from its mouth, quickly swallowing it, driven by his intense hunger.

Then, he received a brutal beating in return. Ji Chi was willing to snatch food from a dog's mouth just to survive; he had always possessed a strong will to live.

He stayed by the homeless man's side for three months, his frame becoming thin and frail. One day, the homeless man got into a fight with a burly man and was left incapacitated. Ji Chi seized the opportunity, grabbing the money from the man's pockets and fleeing.

At just over three years old, he hid in the luggage compartment of a bus, escaping from one city to another. With tattered clothes and money in hand, he stood by a restaurant window, yearning to buy a meal.