
Smart People Know When to Advance or Retreat

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

In the afternoon, the Jiang family also left the Zhang family. Gu Ci and Ziyu were with them. Jiang Junlin sat in a car, and Ziyu said, "Uncle, Mom, I'm going to Grandpa's house for the Lantern Festival tonight, so I won't be with you."

"Why?" Jiang Junlin asked. It was Ziyu's first time celebrating the Lantern Festival with them, and Jiang Junlin didn't want to miss it after missing the New Year's Eve.

Ziyu said, "Grandpa has no wife or children. He was alone on New Year's Eve and will be alone on the Lantern Festival too. I want to celebrate with him. We've already agreed, and he's going to make sweet and sour fish for me."

"Go ahead!"

Gu Ci never interfered with what Ziyu wanted to do, and today they were celebrating the Lantern Festival together. Jiang Junlin didn't object either. He wanted to celebrate the Lantern Festival with Ziyu, but they were close family, and not celebrating together wouldn't weaken their bond. There was plenty of time ahead.