
Shareholder's Meeting

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Jiang Junlin's gaze shifted as he bid farewell, "Don't call me that!"

Ji Chi wiped away the blood from the corner of his lips and looked at him like that, "Regretting it now?"

Jiang Junlin did regret it. He shouldn't have involved innocent people. He looked at Ji Chi coldly and said, "Miss Xu and I are innocent. We won't meet again in the future. Stop pursuing this."

"Come on, we've just met, how can we never see each other again?" Ji Chi smiled playfully. "Then wouldn't I be a scoundrel who breaks up relationships?"

Jiang Junlin remained silent and turned away. His guards followed him as they left. Once he was gone, Ji Chi's smiling eyes turned completely cold, but he also felt a sense of satisfaction.

One of the guards said, "Master, Third Master has arrived."

Ji Chi frowned. Why did Third Master come to the headquarters of the Black Hawk Group?