
Lu Zhiyuan, Who Do You Think You Are?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chen Rushi presented Gu Ci with a ruby necklace, a thumb-sized gem that was flawlessly cut and clear in color. Zhou Jinjin received an internet celebrity bracelet adorned with five flowers.

At noon, the man in black delivered a bouquet of flowers.

That night, Chen Rushi arranged a romantic dinner.

He showered them with expensive gifts, flowers, and romantic gestures. After dinner, he even secured tickets to a concert that Gu Ci and Zhou Jinjin had been unable to obtain, accompanying them to the event.

This routine continued for three consecutive days.

"What exactly are you doing, Mr. Chen?"

"Chasing after you!" Chen Rushi smiled warmly. "I'm enjoying the process of pursuing you."

Gu Ci returned the gemstone necklace. "I can't accept such an extravagant gift for nothing. This necklace is too expensive. I don't want it."

"You alone are worthy of it."