
Lu Zhiyuan Suspects Gu Ci

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Nurses helped the little girl stand steady. She took a few steps, feeling a slight pain in her knee, but she could still walk without any abnormality. However, just a moment ago, she was clearly in too much pain to stand up.

The doctor said, "There's nothing wrong. Where is the bone fracture?"

"I...I..." The girl was embarrassed and humiliated, pointed at and whispered about by the people around her. She turned around and ran away, her companion immediately chasing after her.

After the doctor and nurses left, Grandma asked Gu Ci, "Did it hurt when the orange hit your head?"

Gu Ci had experienced a concussion before, and Jiang Junlin was also concerned. "Let's take an X-ray. If anything happens, I'll make her bankrupt."

Rubbing her forehead, Gu Ci smiled lightly and said, "An orange hitting the forehead doesn't hurt."