
"No!" Gu Ci's tone remained calm. "I want to go with you!"

She looked into his eyes, serene yet determined. "We agreed to go home together. It won't work if one of us is missing, and it won't work if we're not together."

Lu Zhiyuan reached out and caressed her face, the calluses in his palm gently touching her skin. "That day when I had the car accident, Li Jiang said you were coughing up blood. Did you get checked?"

Gu Ci held his wrist with both hands, her cheek pressed against his palm, gazing at him with devotion. "As long as you're okay, I'm fine."

Li Jiang lowered his head. When Lu Zhiyuan woke up, he was too weak, and in his mind, he kept hearing the words Third Young Master said before passing out: Don't hurt her.