
He Is Black Hawk's Third Master

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Gu Ci's emotions were tumultuous, her face pale as she leaned against the door of the operating room. Li Jiang still had Lu Zhiyuan's blood on his hands, yet he remained composed, handling things methodically.

The security team cleared this floor entirely and stationed urgently. Gu Ci stared at the operating room's lights, her eyes red.

Lu Zhiyuan, please don't die!

Please, don't die at any cost!

It was a burden she couldn't bear. She had experienced it once, and it was etched into her soul.

She prayed humbly to the heavens, begging for no harm to come. As long as Lu Zhiyuan stayed alive, she was willing to pay any price, even if it meant trading one life for another. Jiang Junlin and Gu Ziyu were both there with her. Gu Ziyu held her hand and said, "Mom..."

Jiang Junlin had heard Gu Ziyu call Gu Ci "mom" more than once. This child always mixed up his titles, often calling her "mom" or "sister" back when they were in China.