
Half Sisters

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


Gu Ci visited the hospital every day to see Dr. North. Lu Zhiyuan had gone abroad for training in preparation for a competition scheduled for the weekend. Gu Ci and Gu Ziyu had already purchased tickets to watch the match. Gu Ci hoped to get herself into a good state before Lu Zhiyuan's competition.

Despite her ongoing nightmares, there hadn't been any improvement. She managed to restrain her self-destructive impulses. These past few days, she hadn't contacted either Lu Zhiyuan or Third Master.

It seemed like they had an unspoken understanding, as neither of them had uttered a word to her.

She missed Lu Zhiyuan a lot. She often remembered the scene of Lu Zhiyuan seeking a destined relationship under the bodhi tree. That moment stirred her heart and also made her feel sad. When she couldn't sleep, she would flip through photo albums to find his pictures.

A sight that evokes thoughts of a person!