
Friends, Let's Talk About Cooperation

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"My mistake!" Lu Zhiyuan also admitted his judgment error, "I didn't expect Jiang Junlin's identity at this level."

He thought Jiang Junlin was just the president of Hualan Bank, and he indulged Ji Chi's wish. Who knew that indulgence turned into a disaster. Did Jiang Junlin, this old fox, anticipate this day long ago and thus set a trap?

"How did he think of breaking with Jiang Junlin completely? Did you tell him that Jiang Junlin's assassination was his fault?" Lu Zhiyuan asked.

"Isn't that the truth?" Rong Li spread his hands, "It's better for him to recognize the truth sooner rather than later."

Lu Zhiyuan pondered, feelings are always a confusing mess, hard for even a fair judge to resolve.

Rong Li asked, "What if he lets go completely and leaves the Black Hawk for the Dark Web?"