
The old lady said, "Good child, why are you crying?" She tenderly pulled her to sit down. Gu Ziyu quickly ran downstairs and locked the dark room. Gu Ci didn't close the door. Lu Zhiyuan heard the movement, and this was really too coincidental.

Gu Ziyu peeked in and blinked. "Dad, don't talk, or it'll be awkward."

He paused. "You'd be awkward too."

Lu Zhiyuan sneered, "You really are my good son!"

"I'm doing it for your sake!" Gu Ziyu closed the door and even added a password lock to prevent any accidents.

"Cici, do you have guests tonight?" Aunt asked. She had prepared so many ingredients, and if possible, it would be more lively to celebrate the New Year together.

Gu Ci shook her head. "I'm not feeling well. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to cook to pass the time."