
Falling Flowers Have Intentions, Flowing Water Is Ruthless

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Gu Ci brought Qin Wan to the building across from the Global Racetrack much faster than Pei Qiuying's arrival from the airport. Qin Wan had a new sniper rifle and had already found the best shooting position.

After setting up the rifle, Qin Wan took out a cigarette, lit it, and leaned lazily against the window, asking, "Want one?"

Gu Ci shook her head, her eyes fixed on the racetrack. Both Qin Wan and Gu Ci were dressed in black attire, their figures quite similar. Their hair was pulled back and tied behind their heads, making them look like mirror images from behind.

"Are you a smoker?" Gu Ci asked.

Qin Wan shook her head, "I smoke when I'm on a mission. It's like offering incense or paying respects at a grave, you know? When I'm on a mission and someone dies, I light one up to send them on their way. It's my way of showing care."

Gu Ci chuckled, unable to argue with that reasoning.