
Demon and Angel

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

After Gu Ci disappeared following Lu Zhiyuan's teleportation, she told Jiang Junlin everything that had happened, down to the smallest detail. Jiang Junlin was clearly focused on Lu Zhiyuan and was only concerned about not involving Gu Ci.

Jiang Junlin wouldn't worry about Lu Zhiyuan if his sister was fine.

"Black Hawk will investigate this matter. Both Ji Chi and Rong Li are here, so nothing major should happen. They've also captured a few live witnesses. In the coming days, avoid too much contact with Lu Zhiyuan until they uncover the truth."


Gu Ci felt a bit tired, and Jiang Junlin didn't stay at the Blue Fields Villa for long. Qin Wan followed him out, and seeing her looking downcast, Jiang Junlin spoke gently, "This was an unexpected incident. Don't dwell on it too much. Cici has a sense of propriety. If she doesn't want you to follow, don't follow, or follow discreetly so she doesn't notice."
