
Demon and Angel

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Lu Zhiyuan was shocked. He was so angry that he cried? The little one was usually like a wolf cub, fierce and ruthless, so how could he not handle teasing?

Gu Ziyu wiped his tears expressionlessly. His face was red, but there was no sadness in his eyes. Chen Fei was confused. "Baby, don't cry."

Gu Ziyu vigorously wiped away his tears. "Annoying. Why won't it stop?"

Chen Fei was speechless. "If you weren't sad, it would stop."

"I'm not sad. I'm not sad."

Chen Fei was straightforward. "Then why are you crying?"

Gu Ziyu pointed to his eyes. "Ask them. They're crying on their own. What does it have to do with me?"

Chen Fei was confused. "?"

After Li Jiang followed Lu Zhiyuan out of the elevator, he couldn't help but comment.

"Third Young Master, you've gone too far."