
Cat and Mouse Game

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Gu Ci once again heard some strange bells. Aside from the scent of incense, all that filled the air was the sound of bells. Qin Wan said, "We must be not far from a temple."

There was no trace of light in the windowless dungeon, which was dim and damp. Gu Ci touched the dampness on the walls, furrowing her brow slightly. Ji Chi had been unconscious, lying on Gu Ci's lap, and Qin Wan circled the dungeon. Strangely, the special agents guarding outside had inexplicably withdrawn. Qin Wan knocked on the window, "Is anyone there? We need medication."

There was no response from outside. Rong Li was running a fever. Gu Ci gave him a bottle of water and had him swallow one of the anti-inflammatory pills she had hidden. He leaned against the wall with a grim expression.

The Pentagon!

Why of all places, the Pentagon!

This was a place both Black Hawk and the underworld despised.