
Am I Cute, or Is Daddy Cute?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

He realized something was wrong and asked Aunt Gui and Zhang Qiang to help search.

"Cici, when was the last time you saw the bracelet?"

Gu Ci thought for a moment. "It was when I was chatting with grandma in the garden."

"Brother knows, if it dropped at home, it won't be lost. Brother will search high and low for you," Jiang Junlin's voice was very gentle. "Don't panic, and don't be afraid."

Gu Ci nodded in a daze.

More than half an hour later, Zhang Qiang found Gu Ci's bracelet in the flowerbed. It must have accidentally fallen in the garden and was carried to the flowerbed by a wild cat. It was quite hard to find.

Gu Ci held the bracelet, treasuring it as if it were a precious gem, carefully wiping off the dust.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Junlin originally wanted to talk to her about Lu Zhiyuan, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. "Is there anything missing?"

Gu Ci shook her head and put it back on.