
the story of the billionaire girl's struggle, the child of the fried tofu seller

In a village that is quite far from the city, a beautiful girl named Andini was born. besides being beautiful she is also a very good girl, friendly, hardworking and obedient to her parents.

Andini was born from 8 siblings and Andini is the oldest of them. born in a family whose economy is very adequate, and has both parents, Andini's biological mother is a seller of fried tofu, and has many fruit children. Andini's mother was forced to work hard because at that time Andini's father lay sick, weak and helpless because the disease he suffered was very severe, namely respiratory complications.

hearts changed. Hari andini grew into a cute child, but bad luck at the age of 18 months andini's father died. With all the determination and struggle of a mother as well as being a father for Andini and her brother, Andini's mother figure is willing to work in a restaurant whose wages are not much. with working hours that can make the mother's health condition disturbed. his mother left for work at 4 pm Harindan came back at around 6 am, and it was done continuously from day to day.

I can't believe Andini's age has entered 6 years. Andi entered elementary school. with all concern at that time because what Andini was wearing for school was the result of a gift from her close neighbor. namely school uniforms, shoes, bags except books for studying.

andini is an independent child who is highly trained when she wakes up she has to prepare her school preparations alone because she understands that her mother is working for her future. and Andini always rushes to school with her enthusiasm even without bringing a penny of pocket money because Andini has been instilled in an independent spirit since childhood which does not necessarily mean that other children have that trait.

at every break andini always sees her mother who is waiting in front of her class while leaning against the front pole of her class while her eyes look sleepy and her mother's face looks very tired.

In the end Andini was motivated to become a smart child and could make her parents happy with her achievements, so Andini was not afraid to continue to fight to become an outstanding student in her school.

5 years later Andini becomes a teenage girl who will step foot into junior high school with a myriad of achievements in her school so Andini is entitled to a scholarship to continue her schooling to junior high school.

the passing of time Andini entered junior high school and that's where Andini became an even more accomplished child, while she was studying at her junior high school, Andini always made her school proud with a myriad of new achievements. because Adini is always active in many school activities including participating in many competitions held in her district. because andini has the thought that she does not want to disappoint her mother who has fought desperately for her future and for the sake of the good name of the school that has given her a lot of trust.

Andini did not feel that she had entered the 3rd grade of junior high school and entered the national exam, the day after the distribution of the results of the national exam was announced, with extraordinary results andini got the highest score among all students with an average score of 9.60 in all subjects. Andini also received a scholarship to continue her studies at a vocational high school.

long story short andini was already sitting in the vocational high school bench at that time andini was sitting in grade 2 and will receive school training which is termed industrial work practice, after carrying out industrial work practices, conducting reports, hearings, and competency tests before 3 months towards Andini's national exam received a letter from the school which contained the contents of having to pay off her school administration arrears because the scholarship she received was only up to grade 2. Andini went home with the letter with a slightly confused face with her parents' feelings when she received the school administration arrears letter. its pretty big. Arriving at home Andini also gave the letter with a full smile without showing her sadness because Andini did not want to make a very heavy burden for her mother.

After her mother read all the contents of her administrative arrears, her mother decided to sell her house which is the only place to live from her father andini. because they asked for help trying from 7 of Andini's sisters, they also lived with a poor economy, but with a broad and sincere heart Andini refused her mother's decision to sell her only residence. with the word that the success of one's life does not depend on a diploma or education but a mindset and work hard. While responding to Andini's conversation, her mother's tears fell because she saw Andini, who was very big-hearted, Rwla decided to go to school and wanted to work, even though she was 1 step away from getting her higher education degree in vocational.

After her mother read all the contents of her administrative arrears, her mother decided to sell her house which is the only place to live from her father andini. because they asked for help trying from 7 of Andini's sisters, they also lived with a poor economy, but with a broad and sincere heart Andini refused her mother's decision to sell her only residence. with the word that the success of one's life does not depend on a diploma or education but a mindset and work hard. While responding to Andini's conversation, her mother's tears fell because she saw Andini, who was very big-hearted, Rwla decided to go to school and wanted to work, even though she was 1 step away from getting her higher education degree in vocational.

In addition to being active in work, Andini is also a girl who is diligent in saving and has a soul and business mindset in her brain. Apart from being a professional hair master, Andini also sells many beauty products from various sellers in various cities on her social media.

6 years later Andini was decided on her job by the owner of the beauty salon because it seemed enough Andini had extraordinary knowledge and the owner of the beauty salon always educated Andini to become a successful career woman at a young age. because working under people's hands will not make us rich but only able to survive the rest we save.

Andini also accepted the decision that had been given by the owner and accepted it very well with that decision. the next day andini lived her days very differently, she spent a lot of time at home and looked for many innovations and looked for a life motivator that she would use as an inspiration for her life.

3 Months later andini thought that when she could sell other people's cosmetics selling well, why not her own products. until finally Andini drained her savings to start her cosmetics business.

Had to complain because his business had no progress and finally he rushed to find many sellers to sell his cosmetic products.

Unexpectedly 1 year later there are many requests from people who are interested in their beauty products. and then Andini also made her own product brand. Until she was overwhelmed because of the soaring graph of buyers and the increasing number of sellers who worked with her, Andini finally established a well-known cosmetic product which until now has become the No.1 Brand in all cities. running smoothly from year to year with extraordinary determination and enthusiasm, Andini's income also covers billions of rupiah in every month.

and andini became a very kind-hearted billionaire figure, because andini was diligent in sharing all the achievements she had received. especially he makes his mother and his 7 siblings happy with a happy life.

The End

"Live like a rock, even though the waves are eroded many times, he will still survive and even grow beautifully, and one's success is not achieved with an educational background but with intention, honesty, determination, hard work and alms"

"Live like a rock, even though the waves are eroded many times, he will still survive and even grow beautifully, and one's success is not achieved with an educational background but with intention, honesty, determination, hard work and alms and never look down on someone because the condition because one day the broken glass which is always considered to be preening will later become a very expensive diamond.

davin_nadiocreators' thoughts