
Mom,I got lost in a magical world

"Hidden and dominant forces fight for the supremacy of this beautiful, chaotic and fantastic multiverse. Our peaceful MC was was thrown into this miraculous world with a system, but was it accidental or does it have an important mission in which it was given?" Don't miss the next chapters of "Mom, I got lost in a magical world". Guys, this is your unknown amateur writer, I know it may seem like a weird title, but when it went through my head, I liked it, sooooooooooooooooo ... For me it's going to be a rough story, but I'll try my best, and about the tags and rating, I'm not good at sorting out if my story is going to be sad or happy, funny or heavy, for adults or kids, I'll play any anything that comes to my mind that adds to the story, and although I have a sense of how the story will develop, nothing is certain, so join me in this strange and unknown journey that is this newborn book ... and I'm a little tangled, so I first made the page and finally started something, to create a compromise, although I procast enough to gather a very valuable energy called courage. Without a lot of windings, already winding like Chinese novels, hahaha, I hope you enjoy :)

AlluckStark · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 2

"Who's there?"

Although it was only a few dozen seconds, Tony, his heart threatening to pop out of his throat, was terrified looking toward that tree.


A squirrel among the foliage innocently sees him, stands watching that living being inside the crater and after a few seconds loses interest and continues his journey through the branches, disappearing through the foliage of the trees.


Placing his hand on his heart, still looking that way, Tony is relieved.

"WTF, I almost died of a heart attack by a squirrel? !!"

Tony begins to look around at what looks like a large dirt hole with a path-like entrance, which from above would be the line of destruction caused by the meteorite.

Looking around more calmly, he begins to understand what kind of situation he got himself into.

Earth, Sao Paulo, south zone, home.

Tony, like any other routine day, woke up early with the dawn, looked up at the ceiling of his room that contained numerous anime posters, sleeves and games he loved.


"Ah ... How I wish I had powers, travel around for adventure, and steal hearts of beauties ..."

* Trim!!Trim!!Trim!! *

Contemplating the ceiling of his room, suddenly the alarm rings, indicating that it was 15 minutes to reach the school.

"Shit !!! I'm late!"

Quickly, he gets out of bed and looks for his school uniform, but besides a notebook and computer on a table by the window and used clothes scattered around the room on the floor, he can't find the uniform.


Desperate, now 10 minutes to the bus stop three kilometers away, he shouts excitedly, opening the bedroom door to the living room. By the time she got there, her mother, a 35-year-old woman with a tired face from getting up early, was placing a bottle containing coffee and some slices of yesterday's cake on the table.

"Your uniform is on the clothesline. You forgot to wash it yesterday and after I got home from work, I washed it and hung it up for you ... * Awwn * How can you be so relaxed boy?"

As she said the first sentence, she put her hand over her mouth to yawn, then complained as she prepared to sit on the chair, but not before being surprised by a kiss on the cheek quickly.

"Thanks mom !! What would I do without you ..."

Tony ran into the backyard of the house, found the morning drizzle's damp uniform, and ran to his room to change, muttering to himself.

"I'm too late, there won't be time for me to take a shower, and this uniform is a little wet yet ... * sigh *"

With his uniform still to dry and with a backpack on his back, with the bus missing 7 minutes past the bus stop, Tony rushes from the bedroom to the living room, and then to the house gate, shouting at his mother.

"Bye Mommy !!"

"Don't run too much, you can trip, boy !!"

'ai, ai ... you're just like your father ...'. Tony's mother looked out the living room window, seeing Tony running in despair like a desperate sprinter, disappearing in the distance.

Unknown place, forest, inside a crater.

'I have to get out of this crater as soon as possible and find someone to help me'

Trying to figure out what kind of bizarre situation he got himself into, Tony begins to smell something that resembles a decaying multi-day animal and looking around for that unpleasant smell, Tony comes across a pool of bubbling black liquid. in the center of the crater, which blew green streaks of smoke with each burst bubble.

Realizing that this was what he threw up after waking up, Tony felt disgusted and shocked.

'Since when did I swallow such a thing ?! I WILL BE ...'


Tony threw up again, but what came out was just gastric juice. While Tony wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his clothes, removing the vomit remains, he stiffens.


'Booting AES System'