

Known in Greek mythology as the divinities in charge of threading the threads of life of human beings from birth to death, represented in a single female figure. … She smiled and said “Yes, I know, but you want to close the case, don't you?”, “Well, I want that for tomorrow, or I'll call a lawyer and we'll finish here”. Mason hit the bars furiously, but her look and her reaction were null, she just looked at him as if for her there were no more than her requests and somehow her blackmail, so Richardson at that moment took him by the arm and He told her “come on, you know what the prosecutor told us, come on, we still have a lot to do”. The detectives were amazed and stupefied with the way she told them the story, they observed the way she spoke, the facial gestures, the way she moved her hands, the tranquility and joy she showed in each act and situation she detailed. . They did not believe that she, a beautiful woman on the outside, intelligent, was a ruthless monster. They both looked at each other terrified, and although they wanted to stop for a moment, they wanted to finish to continue with the investigation of the missing data. Mason took a deep breath, exhaled, and then said, "Please continue." For now, let her sleep and leave the room until we hear from Chief Rammstein, it is important to know what the Clarks know about their son's whereabouts." Mason and Richardson quietly entered the interview room, collecting the documents and latex suit, and gently closing the door as she slept. They ended the day, heavy, feeling increasingly anxious about what would happen the next morning when they spoke to her again. Mason and Richardson hurried to the bunks and took a long rest after the day full of pain and hustle and bustle, they both lay down in their bunks and silence took place in that shared space, they wished each other goodnight and fell asleep with the conviction that something bad would happen once again. It was 7 a.m. on April 24, 2018, when Mason and Richardson saw Kiergan walk in agitated as they were getting ready to start the day questioning the suspect, Mason saw him and said “What's wrong Kiergan? Did you see a ghost?

Layla_Atenea · Urban
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10 Chs


Everything was going normally in the 78th precinct, everyone was resting except for the drunks, those who disturbed the order, the prostitutes and other events that occurred during the night shift. While the detectives were preparing to rest, Mason became more and more concerned with Dr. Hubert's words, he did not understand how he could reach such a conclusion just by seeing her, he wanted to think that the doctor was just wrong or confused, since he had not carried out a study or diagnosis of her, she had only listened to her, she had observed her and nothing more, she intervened little, she did not want to think that they had been useless in these cases, although with her words and her attitude she had made them feel that way. Richardson looked at him, saw his face full of concern but said nothing, he preferred to go to sleep because the day had been full of chaos in its entirety. While the detectives rested, she was in the cell humming as she fell asleep, for her being in that cell was better than the dark place where she lived for several years, the food, the cot and the sheet that covered her body gave her pleasure bigger than she could ask for, because all her plan followed the course that she wanted to give it, she hummed because the 3 years that she dedicated to her plan were bearing fruit.

The night ended and the morning began with unusual news within the police circle, Chief Rammstein was retiring after 30 years of service, he had dedicated his life to the police force and after the death of the Clarks he believed that it was unnecessary to continue in command. . Among those that sounded like possible replacements was the name of Captain Jonas Johnson, who has worked for 20 years in various positions in the police force since becoming an officer, going through detective, lieutenant, sergeant and finally captain. After so many years in the same position, he was finally reaching the bottom rung of his career. Mason and Richardson were already at their desks ready to start another day of interrogation, the suspect was already in the interrogation room, meanwhile they were watching the news on television on CBN channel where Chief Rammstein was running for his successor. At that moment the captain appeared and Mason, seeing him, began to applaud, everyone followed them and cheered the appointment of the captain as the possible new chief, Mason approached and hugged him, Richardson hugged him too and many more officers and detectives came to congratulate him, Kiergan who had gone for the detectives' breakfasts, the suspect and hers came in with their hands full, so she placed the breakfasts on the detectives' desk and gave the captain a strong handshake and although I doubt, I hugged him saying "captain we will miss you a lot around here" Johnson pushed him away and replied "calm down Kiergan, I will leave your review ready for you to be promoted to detective" "thank you whoa!" Kiergan said excitedly, since he had taken the exam twice and for him, who had studied a lot, it was important to get promoted. After the celebrations, the captain finally asked "how are we doing with the case?" "She is ready in the interrogation room, here we bring her breakfast" Mason said touching the package that Kiergan had recently left "ok, ok, we will have two weeks to finish this before I position myself, so I ask you to do it carefully and as quickly as possible. Understood?" "Yes, captain," said Mason and Richardson at the same time, who got up from the desk in the direction of the interrogation room, where she was waiting for them. Only that there was something that they did not know, and that was that the captain would never occupy that position, since that day he would never arrive!

It was already 8:30 in the morning that day, and although they were late to meet the suspect, they hurried inside when they heard Dr. Hubert's voice "Detectives, good morning, ready to go in?" Both turned on their heels, Mason with a Belgian bread in his mouth and Richardson with coffee in his hand to which Richardson replied "Just in time doctor". The three of them went to the living room, when she, with a little discomfort from waiting and from hunger, looked at them angrily and said "thanks for waiting, I'm starving and you're happy!" Mason, finishing eating his Belgian bread, asked her "no good morning, not a smile, much less an ironic word" she looked at him with an expression of disgust "Carter, today I don't have the usual availability, you give me my damn breakfast please!!?" Mason looked at her, something had changed in her that morning, Dr. Hubert was watching her carefully, Richardson thought that something bad had happened to her, all this while she opened her breakfast and began to savor it, this time there was no delight, she just ate with anger At the moment of drinking the coffee, he felt a great pang in his stomach, so he spoke to Richardson "George, do you think you can get me an antacid, please?" Richardson nodded and immediately went out and called Kiergan who was nearby at the time, since he had brought some documents to room 1, Richardson instructed him to go to the nearest pharmacy and get the antacid for her. Mason in the room looked at her again and said "it seems that we are in a bad mood today, right?... What's wrong with you?" She still looked at him sullenly and replied "I couldn't sleep well, besides my stomach was bothering me a lot, but since you told me once, it's not your problem, right?" Mason smiled with his crooked mouth and said "ok, while the antacid arrives, I'll put the photos on the table" Dr. Hubert asked him a little curious "are you in your premenstrual week?" She gave him an angry look and replied "doctor, don't you think that's not her field of action?" Dr. Hubert sadly looked at Mason and Richardson who at that moment entered the room, confused Richardson asked "what, what happened?" Looking at Dr. Hubert, Mason, and her suspect, Dr. Hubert shook his head as he bent her down and rubbed her temple because he didn't understand her behavior, even though he had clues as to what was happening to her.

30 minutes later Kiergan appeared with the antacid, knocked on the door and Richardson opened it, handed it to her immediately, Richardson opened the package, opened the bottle and handed it to her, while she stretched out her hand and with her look still angry at him He thanked her, minutes later she felt better and even with an angry face she directed her gaze towards the photos, a small laugh on her angry face peeked out, and she began to laugh outrageously that her laughter was heard loudly and in the same way scared those who were present in the room, the three were stunned and Mason shouted loudly "Enough! "While she continued to laugh more and more, Mason, seeing that his request did not work, saw how she got up from the chair taking the antacid with her hand, calmed down a bit, took a small sip and dried her tears for him. attack of laughter that he had had, he touched his stomach as if it had hurt, he took a breath and then said "go Carter, it seems that you do not like to see me happy!" Mason angrily replied "leave your stupid jokes for another day and tell us what was the reason for your laugh" she sat down again in front of the detectives and the doctor and pointed to three photos "for them, the 3 clowns" Richardson looked at the photos and I ask "why the 3 clowns?" she turned her head towards Richardson and said "why they were, they were 3 clowns, they worked on it, but they were lucky to have a guardian angel who helped them out of poverty" Richardson was perplexed by such answer, because she had used her fingers half closed when she mentioned the guardian angel. A calmer Mason took a look at the photos and asked "Well, do you know what they were called?" she took the photos one by one and said "this one here was called Oliver White, the other one here was called Jack Elliot and this last one, ha! Christian D'Jeraux."

After identifying them, they all fell silent, she returned to her angry expression, Mason, Richardson and Dr. Hubert were still in doubt as to how such a beautiful woman had become a ruthless killer and without any remorse for what she had done. have done. Dr. Hubert still felt the need to carry out a psychiatric evaluation in order to determine her personality and the disorder that she had and presented. Dr. Hubert looked at Mason and indicated the door with her head, they both left while she laid her body on the table and Richardson looked for the information on the victims on the laptop. Outside the room, Mason and Dr. Hubert began the conversation "Mason, I need to do a thorough evaluation on her, let me do it please!" The doctor begged Mason, Mason responded bluntly "Doctor, you clearly heard that the moment we agree to you doing an evaluation, whatever it is, she will stop sharing the information we need to finish this case, no I can allow it, doctor, I'm sorry" Dr. Hubert replied "Mason, she is more dangerous than we think, we are facing a very serious case of personality dissociation and sociopathy, you understand that right?" Mason, wanting to enter the room, replied " doctor, you are welcome to continue listening to the confessions and observing the interrogation, but for nothing in the world can I allow you the evaluation, because the moment you do it, we will lose more than a week work" said this, he entered the room and followed by Dr. Hubert, when they entered the environment, although quiet, he felt neutral and calm. Mason looked her straight in the face and asked, "Well, shall we start?"

She was dressed in black from head to toe, her face even with anger made the doctor feel fear and frustration at the same time, she wanted to be there but also had the intention of venting one way or another, when Mason made her the question she replied "do you know Carter? In this life you make two decisions in your life" he said as he enumerated with the fingers of his hand and continued "one that can save your life and have a good life or the other that can fill you with regret or not and that leads you to decline, these three idiots opted for the second " Dr. Hubert even more surprised asked him " you have no respect for your victims?" she taking a cigarette from the table, smiling wryly as she lit it, giving him a disgusted look, she replied "why? They did not respect anyone, not even themselves… Look doctor" continued "as the bible says to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, to God what belongs to God!" then the doctor with a little curiosity asked again "ah, so you believe in God?" She laughed again and said "Doctor, God knows what I did and why I did it!" leaving the doctor more restless with this answer. "Continue" Richardson told her, she looked at him and said directly "George, would you sell your family, your values ​​and your whole being for money?" Harrison replied "of course not! My job gives me a very good living, even if I don't have the super salary, of course I wouldn't do it!" She looked at the doctor again and said "here is a person of character, value and personality, doc! Can you explain what I told you before?" The doctor nodded and imagined that the three victims they were talking about lacked what Richardson had. Mason, a little puzzled, asked "and you don't include me?" she turned her head and looked at him with a bit of contempt and replied "you don't work in this because you really like it, they gave you everything, you wanted to play cops and robbers, just to avoid having your father's responsibilities , so no, you don't fit into this picture!" he answered sharply. Dr. Hubert upon hearing these words confirmed his suspicions about the intelligence of the woman in front of them, her intelligence was beyond her understanding.

The three men had nothing to say about her words, they plunged into their own thoughts at that moment, with her words fluttering, since somehow she was right about good and evil, she seeing them in this way I take them out of their state with the following question "what? They thought there was no way to explain it?" They immediately came to their senses and Mason, still confused, told her "yes, you have a strange way of perceiving good and evil, but continue" she threw her head back and began "the worst thing they did was accept a" miracle " to have a better life " the doctor once again asked " and why do you say it in quotation marks?" "Oh doctor, not everyone who appears in his life with his help is a saint nor is he a savior!" she said waving her hands towards the ceiling. He quickly pulled himself together and said "Oliver White, Jack Elliot and Christian D'jeraux were the picture of losers, each was a bullier in their high schools, and even though they made it to college and finished their careers, they were always losers." "How do you know they went to college? Why losers? Richardson asked, already a little annoyed with the aggressive attitude she showed "George, have you really not heard anything I said before?" she replied and continued "Oliver White had a degree in business administration, for which he was lousy, that's why his store was second-hand and he lived with his mother, although he was an average guy, he never got married, he was always mom's boy … I know because once I went to her store to buy shoes and the mother was there taking care of the child" she said, miming wiping her eyes with her fists and pouting her mouth.

And it is that what she expressed about men was true. Oliver White was always a bullier in his high school, he was the promise of American football, he was expected to play at a professional level, but a car accident that he himself was driving while intoxicated caused one of his knees to be completely damaged. . Of that handsome and popular boy among his classmates, only a sad and lame boy remained, so he asked his mother to take him out of that school and take him to another to finish high school and thus enter the University of New York , then he became a mediocre guy and finally a mature version of himself a little fat and lame, bald and without a sense of humor.

Mason looked with displeasure as she described it, looking at her lips and eyes when she told it, as if it were little in front of her, she looked back at him and staring at him, she said "what's up? Don't you like what you hear?" Mason replied "I just don't understand why the contempt for someone who didn't do something significantly destructive to you" she only replied "at the time you will know!" Mason got furious and hit her table getting up from her and yelled "you have me fed up with so much mystery!! You are just playing here with our time and with all the pain of the families of those men!! What do you want?" she, with the tranquility that characterized her, told him "oh come on Carter, calm down, it won't be long now!! Take things with more control!" Richardson took him out of the room for a moment and said "come on Mason, she has cooperated, come on what's up?" Mason looking at him replied "you don't understand, she's playing with us" he said as he pointed to the door "she's playing with us !!" Richardson grabbed him from the men and told him "it may be like that, but it's not long now, I also want to get out of it, I feel repulsion of the way she is, but come on, we still have to finish and put up with it!" Saying this, Mason calmed down a bit and Richardson gave him a small pat on the back "relax, first of all let's keep control" Richardson said before entering, Dr. Hubert just observed the situation and remained silent in the face of such an event, Mason sat down violently in front of her, she took advantage once and asked him "how is your father Carter?" Mason clenched his fists, under the table as he looked to the side and said "it's not your fucking problem.. Talk, what did you do with Oliver White? Or rather, how did you do it? she snapped her fingers happily and told her as she pointed her finger "aha!! That was the question she was waiting for!!" Mason, Richardson and Dr. Hubert were surprised at such a change in mood and she continued "Remember I told you that he had a store?" They all nodded and she continued "well, I went to buy a pair of shoes, I needed them since I was going to a party and I should be impressive for that date, I remember very well that it was August 8, 2017, it was 9 in the morning , it was unbearably hot, but well, I arrived as Karla Riot" and he looked directly at Richardson and said "No, this time there was not a full suit, just a mask, you have it in the suitcase" a little angry Richardson looked at her and she told him "oh, sorry, medium black package" Richardson took it out and showed it to her, she was even happier, she continued, not without first clarifying something important "I know that they took the suits to Dr. Jefferson and in one of them they did not find More than the DNA of the victims, on my part, they will not find anything, so if they are going to take Karla to dear Dr. Jefferson, they will not find anything either" looking at the three of them as if he had won one more game and continued " as I said, I went to his store and bought a pair of zaps Well, of course, her mother was there, so I flirted with her for a while and she gave me the pair of sandals in the middle of always… That same afternoon, with her mother out of the scene, I approached her to ask her to change them for me " " wait" Mason interrupted her "what was the idea of ​​going to change them?" I ask, she told him "to offer him something in return that he desperately needed" "and what was that?" Richardson asked, she replied "money, a lot of money, since he was almost bankrupt and her mother had a lot to do with it!" "Wait a minute," Richardson said, "wait, how did you know she was on the brink of bankruptcy?" She looked at him with an expression of total reason "well, clone all your information, do you know that they have business cards? Well, use the business card and clone everything, social networks and phone number!" both detectives began to think the worst but she sensed it and told them "calm down, don't kill the mother!" The three men only opened their eyes in surprise and she continued "as she told them, I approached him under the pretext of changing the sandals, very beautiful indeed! And then I noticed him stressed so I asked him the reasons for his desperation... he told me that he would lose the store if he couldn't settle his debts and pay the bank on time, and although he could pay the payroll and the suppliers, the profits were few now that his mother used all the money to give it to his family, and what he received was little to support himself and be able to meet his goals" Dr. Hubert asked him "an overbearing mother, perhaps?" She snapped her fingers and replied "exactly" and continued "She told me that it had cost her a lot to establish her shop since she had sold her soul to the devil to fulfill her dream... And then I told her that if she wanted to pay her debts and save her shop, he would have to sell his soul to the devil one more time!"

The discomfort between the three men began to show, they were already desperate Faced with such statements from her regarding the victim, meanwhile she continued "at that moment he did not doubt it for a second and he asked me what he had to do, so I told him to go to an empty house in the Hamptons , the next day and that he take his mother, who would tell her what to do there" Although they would soon regret what they were going to ask, Mason, as always, decided to take the first word "and what happened that day? " She took a cup to fill it with coffee, she put a little sugar in it, she mixed it and then she took a cigarette, she lit it and after taking the first puff she said "they arrived very early that morning of August 9, her mother was painted like a Birdy and a bit uncoordinated in her clothing for a woman in her late 70s, she wanted to look like a girl. He on the other hand, had a bland and messy appearance, I opened the door and invited them in, to be honest I was very cordial with that whipper, so I offered them both something to drink, he excitedly told me that he was ready to start with the negotiation, so I asked him a question that left him stunned!" Richardson fearfully approached her and asked her "what was that question" with a serious and worried tone, she replied "I asked her if she would kill her mother for 1 million dollars, in front of her mother who by the way was already asleep, I put a sleeping pill in her drink!" " Oh my God!!! " Expressed Dr. Hubert with horror "how could you do that?! I ask more terrified than ever, while she smoked her cigarette looking towards the bars of the window "don't worry doctor, I wasn't going to kill a not so innocent person" and continued "the asshole gave me the same look you have right now" he said while stepping and watching as he stepped on the cigarette butt "he just tried to wake up his mother, and I told him that she would wake up in about three hours" he said this sitting on the chair while he put the butt in the ashtray and cleaned his hands. hands with a damp cloth that he had brought moments before to clean his face and continued "10 minutes later he fell asleep, I dragged him to the garage, there was a surgical table, he woke up already tied to the table and started screaming, I calmed him down and told him, "you know, when you sell your soul to the devil, you can't sell it to him a second time, but you didn't measure that by your ambition, which by the way took you to where you are today, here with me". …. There was a pause at that moment, the pause became long for a few minutes, Richardson at that moment reviewed the photos of Oliver's networks and confirmed by the photos that he had a friendly relationship with the other two victims, he showed Mason and told Dr. Hubert what he had found, Mason turned his gaze towards her nodding that she would continue "like everyone else he cried, he cried like a little child and begged me to let him go, I wondered in his tears what he had done to deserve that, I whispered in his ear, after that he got more scared and gave a desperate scream, so I took a surgical scalpel and cut his throat, then with a saw cut his hands and feet... It took me an hour to kill him, keep his parts in a bag, clean and leave the package to the mother who was still asleep in the room, by the way I gave her a 10 mg of Valium, and finally I left a note for her" Dr. Hubert even more intrigued asked her "what did the note say? " She smiled and said "congratulations, you have won a million dollars and you have lost a son, call 911" Dr. Hubert swallowed hard and felt something burning his throat "that is very sadistic of you" She, taking another cigarette and another cup of coffee, replied "well, it was very sadistic, but the funniest thing was seeing the mother's reaction, from the outside" Richardson asked her "how? Did you see everything that happened?" she affirmed with a nod, while drinking her coffee and replied "go, talk to her and you will see how happy she is with a million dollars and all her debts paid" The detectives once again could not understand the ease of the suspected of appearing cold, calm, sensible and sane in the face of the events she described, for her it was and was one more routine, for her the ease of taking her defects and her past against herself to manipulate them and take them to the point where she wanted to have them no longer. It was more than just a manicure or pedicure. Meanwhile Dr. Hubert confirmed her suspicions that she was manipulative, planning and very cold. In his mind, Dr. Hubert talked with himself, diagnosed, medicated, but most importantly, he wanted to perform the analysis that was so much required for these cases and, if possible, the analysis would hospitalize her.

Everyone took a short break while Mason and Richardson reviewed every detail, every crime scene photo, every sample taken, every event on social networks and every physical friendship between the victims, she was currently smoking, looking at each one of those present and enjoying each sip of the coffee in front of him. The door sounded waking up each one of her thoughts, each one turned her head to at that moment notice that Captain Johnson was with them. The captain immediately spoke to Mason to ask him about the case, Mason gave him a report of what they had obtained so far, Richardson was still on the laptop showing the photos and Hubert approached Captain Johnson and took him to a corner of the room. To implore him to let him assess the suspect, the captain insisted, "Doctor, I agree with you, but at this time we should not risk losing everything we have achieved with her, she has done it voluntarily." The suspect listened carefully to the conversation even with her face turned towards the wall, so she interrupted the conversation with a big laugh that managed to spill a little coffee on her, even so she did not stop her laughter, she bent for a moment to calm the pain caused by laughter, she coughed for a moment and then calmed down, wiped the tears and although everyone laughed nervously as she passed they wondered what was the reason for her laughter, and she calmed down ada said "excuse me, I'm sorry" pausing when speaking "doctor Hubert looks like a little boy, begging his father to let him do something, even though he knows the consequences of his actions" instantly everything was silent, everyone was in silence, except for her who continued speaking, with threatening gestures to finish "doctor, I recommend that if you cannot be here, listening to what I have to say, it is better that you leave" already with a more threatening appearance, his body was rigid and his look was furious so he continued "there is no open space for you and your analyses, I am not one of your research subjects nor do I want you to deepen me" this time she said it getting up from her chair, everyone noticed her change body, voice and in his eyes, Captain Johnson carefully observed her look, that look made him very uneasy, that look gave him chills, so he only managed to try to calm her down, but instead that annoyed her more than he she lifted the chair and slammed it on the floor. Mason and Richardson tried to calm her down, while the captain and the doctor just stepped back, the captain protecting the doctor and the detectives protecting them with her bodies.

About 5 minutes passed, everyone kept their positions, but she continued with her angry state, nobody wanted to take a step or make a movement, it seemed to them that what happened was not normal or that at the time it was a warning when they were not was not serious, not even when he was being listened to, Captain Johnson, without taking his eyes off her and her condition, with an open hand trying to calm her down, said "Miss, I assure you" while he joined his hands in the form of a prayer "I assure you that this will not happen!! At this moment I will ask Dr. Hubert to leave and not to re-enter the room" said Captain Johnson with a bit of caution and fear, Mason and Richardson watched everything keeping their positions, Dr. Hubert still behind Captain Johnson He didn't speak, he just followed the interaction between them with his eyes. Captain Johnson advanced a little towards her, who maintained her defiant posture and her look of anger deeper than before, and, although the captain tried to achieve his goal, he felt fear, fear of her presence and especially of her gaze. She relaxed her body, relaxed her gaze and managed to calm down, then lifting the chair off the floor, she placed it in its original position and sat down, after that she took a cigarette, lit it and took the cup, looked at it and addressed it to Mason indicating that he wanted more coffee, Mason without hesitation. Instantly, Captain Johnson, with his head, told Richardson to remove Dr. Hubert from the room. The doctor, although he tried to oppose, was forcefully removed from the room. Richardson, being out of the room with the doctor, explained to him "doctor, so far without your intervention we have made progress, please stay out of this please" Richardson had finished speaking with the doctor when prosecutor Cox appeared, who with his presence emanated authority and seeing them outside, he walked towards them greeting them and asking "how is the case going?" Richardson, who was on his back, turned on himself and said "we are doing well, we have made good progress, except for a few minutes ago!" " what happened?" Cox asked a little curious, Dr. Hubert tried to get a word out, but Detective Richardson took the The prosecutor took her by one arm and took her away from the doctor and told her "Dr. Hubert was present at several of the suspect's statements, because Mason asked the captain to let him be alone to observe the behavior of the suspect and then tell him give his diagnosis" the prosecutor still confused asked him "and then what are you doing out here?" Richardson massaged the bridge of his nose and then told him "the doctor had told Mason to let him evaluate her, but she had already warned us that if that happened she would call her lawyer" and Cox asked "and then why is she still here outside?" "because the doctor took advantage of the captain's presence to make the request to evaluate her again and she acted in a very hostile and threatening manner, for which the captain assured the suspect that he would leave him out of the interrogation room" Prosecutor was thoughtful for a moment and said "well, well! But what really happened? "She got up defiantly, hit the chair against the floor and threatened to end the interrogation" Richardson replied, once again prosecutor Cox remained thoughtful with her gaze towards the floor, moving her foot as if hitting something and finally He said "perfect, we already know who we're dealing with, and the captain did well" he looked at Dr. Hubert angrily and then said "I'll talk to him later... By when do you think they'll have all the detailed confession?" Richardson shrugged and said "no more interruptions in 4 days." Pointing her finger at Richardson's chest, the prosecutor told her "4 days, no more, no less!" The prosecutor moved her head in the direction of the doctor and with the same finger pointed at her and told him to go with her.

Richardson returned to the room stressed, tired and a little annoyed by the situation, even so he decided to continue because he really missed his family, especially his wife, the woman with whom he has built a stable relationship and a promising future, upon entering Richardson could not help but watch as the captain continued with his gaze directed towards the suspect, she had not taken her eyes off the captain either, however when they closed the door they both reacted, until finally she asked the question "and well captain, what's left?" ?" the captain with his face looking at the ground as if trying to remember that look, responded by raising his face "No, no, I have to go do something" he said confused, at the moment Kiergan enters a little accelerated and approaches the captain speaking to him in a way whispered "captain the boss arrived with the press, they are in his office, they need it urgently" the captain hurried to leave the room, he was confused by the look of the suspect and at the same time hurried to reach his office, since Rammstein had arrived unannounced and still with the press. He quickly entered his office and found Darius Roberts, one of CBN's star journalists, along with his cameraman Doyle Moumberg, who were talking to Chief Rammstein about the case Mason and Richardson were working on, so the captain He entered his office and closing the door, he put his hands in his pants pockets, greeted everyone in the office and asked "what is the reason for this surprise visit, boss?" Rammstein replied "we must give a press conference, besides it is already confirmed that you are my successor, what is the problem?" the captain looked at the journalist and the cameraman, Rammstein at that moment understood the look and asked them to wait outside for a moment, they left and when the door closed Johnson told him "I just witnessed the most abrupt and aggressive change of mood of the suspect, with the intention of assaulting Dr. Hubert" Rammstein who had his gaze fixed on the painting hanging on the wall of Johnson's office turned his head and said "how? .. What exactly happened?" Johnson felt a little dejected and said "Dr. Hubert wanted to convince me to do psychiatric evaluations to determine her mental status, even though he knew that she had threatened to call her lawyer" "You mean, who controlled the whole situation?" asked Rammstein, Johnson nodded giving Rammstein a crestfallen look, for Rammstein chief nothing was still clear to him because of Johnson's meditative and thoughtful attitude, so to break the ice he asked him "what's up?" Is there something bothering you?" Johnson loosened his tie and crossed his right leg over his left and looking at the blind of his window and with his hand on his head he replied "her look, the look she had at that moment, took me to the past, that same look when …." Rammstein at that moment interrupted him saying "that is left behind, there is no trace of it, thanks to that we are where we are, so leave it as it is!" with fear and anger in his eyes and then continued "so, we shouldn't say anything even about the cases?" Although I try to talk about what there was Said earlier, he replied "that's right, for now we must not say anything about the cases... For now we must keep everything quiet until she confesses everything to us" Rammstein moving his fingers on Johnson's desk expressed dissatisfaction with his look and his attitude a slightly exhausted and said "ok, ok, we will only make the note of your promotion, I hope this ends before his position as the new chief of police" so he got up from the seat and went to the door he approached Johnson and said in his ear "nothing that happened will come back to us, focus on what has been achieved has been the best for us and for him" followed by that, he patted him on the shoulder and opened the door for them to begin with the interview with Captain Johnson, who was recomposing himself and fixing his clothes to be presentable in the interview.

In Prosecutor Cox's office, she and Dr. Hubert were having a heated conversation about the doctor's insistence on psychiatric assessment and evaluation, and Cox could be heard saying, "Doctor, I don't doubt your ability, but I can't right now." take a risk, that woman there in the room of the 78th precinct is giving me everything I need to build my case, why do you keep insisting doctor?" The doctor was silent for a moment, leaned over her body and held her hands together to explain the situation "she is dangerous, she has maintained control of the entire situation and you may be in danger, you understand me Miss Cox ?" The prosecutor only managed to give a sarcastic smile and say "for God's sake doctor, you know where she is, there is no way for her to escape or do anything more than what she has already done, please!" but the doctor got up and went over to the prosecutor's desk to try to talk some sense into her and when she saw the doctor's intentions she gave him an ultimatum "doctor, you are not going to prevent something that this woman has voluntarily done to us. delivered and to damage our case, if you make any movement I will go to the medical board and I will have your license suspended for a year or more, here the discussion ends" she told him getting up from her chair and showing him the exit with her hand, Dr. Hubert nodded his head and said as he pounded his fist on the desk, "Well, Miss Cox, well, but let me tell you, confessions are not the last thing she will give or do, I assure you," followed by that , the doctor left the office defeated and more worried than usual, the situation that was experienced in the room had left him disturbed and that led him to think that he should talk to someone else, someone with more authority than prosecutor Cox, so that he would go to his office and I would try to find the judge in charge of the case so that I could go to him and get the judge's permission, carry out the assessment and forcefully admit her to the hospital.

During the time of the conversation between Chief Rammstein and Captain Johnson, Detectives Mason and Richardson continued to question the suspect, who was already calm and with a smile from ear to ear, looking directly at Mason and Richardson, she told them "I apologize. for what I did, I lost control under so much pressure from the doctor" Mason looked at her withering and said, pointing at her with his pen "No, don't apologize, because you don't feel anything" Richardson put his hand on the man and told her He told her "let's continue" she took one of the photos of the three victims who were confessing and said "he" pressing his index finger on the photo, Richardson took it between his fingers and said "ah Jack Elliot!" "Yes, that very one," she replied, and then added "Jack Elliot's bastard!" Mason was speechless at such words and said "wow! It's the first time you show visceral hatred!" she looked at him with her disdain and replied "oh Carter !!, you have no idea of what I am capable of doing and even feeling!" Mason and Richardson took a gulp of saliva, which they both heard as they swallowed and just looked at her, she took a sip of coffee and continued "well, if Jack Elliot was a bastard, a nasty, stupid, damned man and a con man!" The detectives continued to search for information related to Jack Elliot, until they noticed several posts denouncing him for fraud, even so, the law was very clear "never take justice into your own hands" at some point, they thought about what she did However, the way she acted when referring to the victims made her even more guilty.

Jack Elliot: He was one of those many bulliers, that at the end of the school year it is already known that he will not emerge from where he is, although he made an attempt to enter the university with a full scholarship, because despite everything he was intelligent, Jack Elliot went out of his way from the moment his parents died in an accident and although he was under the guardianship of his maternal family, he never felt safe in that place. He was a tall, robust, deep-eyed boy with green eyes and 1.78 cm tall, he decided not to continue building his future, because although he was physically and verbally abused by his uncle, he unloaded his pain on those who did not deserve it. and that led him to use his intelligence in the most erroneous way possible. He now he had become an unpleasant person and without more tools than damaging everything in his path.

"So how did you get him to you?" asked Mason, she was a little tired and still maintaining the calm that characterized her, she replied "well, it wasn't that simple, you know? I introduced myself as a woman desperate for easy money, I did that through her social networks." While she was talking about it, Richardson was checking Elliot's social media, so he focused on friend requests, so while she was doing it, he asked "what was your name?" she told him "Sara King" immediately Richardson looked for her and said "yes, here she is!" and again showed Mason the laptop. Once the information was verified, they both asked her to continue, she looked at them and before continuing, she drank water, this time she wanted to clear her throat, she paused, narrowed her eyes, opened them a little more and said "you know? Guys like Jack Elliot never rest, even if they have money they always want more, they never stop to look back, what's more, people like him always act like parasites, and although this guy also sold his soul to the devil, he didn't count that I would be that devil" Mason only grimaced at such a confession, Richardson opened his eyes a little more than usual when he saw that Sara's photo had no resemblance to the suspect and finally the detectives looked at her as if wanting to know more, she continued "Sara helped me a lot with this guy, so I sent him the first message, it was funny how he jumped to the first "hello", of course Sara's photos were her dream come true!... Hahahahahahahaha" "Why are you laughing?" Richardson asked, she looked at him "sorry, if you had seen that idiot's face knowing that he was talking to a model woman, it was good to see him live and direct! They already know! I was able to handle the camera on his cell phone!" They both thought they heard something unusual, but when it came to her, they knew that he was capable of that and much more!

The suspect was more animated when talking about the step by step she had taken with Elliot, she even calmed down now that Dr. Hubert had left the room and that he would not interrupt with her questions, she had handled the situation as she had wanted. Before continuing her story, she looked at the clock on the wall and said "hey gentlemen, don't you think it's time to eat something?" They both looked at their watches, and closing the folders with the documents a little, they said in unison "it's true!!, you're right!!" so Richardson this time went out looking for Kiergan to get the food. She walked back into the room and said as she sat down "ready let's continue" she exclaimed "wow, looks like we're in charge, right George?" He looked at her tiredly and replied "you know?, every time you talk about a victim and the way you murdered them, I want to leave as soon as possible, I fear for my family and for ourselves!" he said angrily and then ended up saying "I'm tired, I'm fed up with your attitude and your impudence when talking, looking and above all laughing about this whole situation" she looked at him surprised, since Richardson had always remained on the sidelines and calm before the situation, and then he said "ah dear! You and your family are not that important to me, so don't worry, nothing that happens here will affect you or your family." Waiting for the food, she continued "as I was saying, I handled his camera, so I could see the stupid face he put on when I asked him to meet, he had a million dollars on hand to give him, so I summoned him to a building abandoned where he had an apartment, of course he thought there would be drinks, sex and drugs… when we finished the conversation, take advantage and delete all your social networks". Mason interrupted his account by asking "the same value that you offered to Oliver, why? She, in the same position as her with her arms crossed, replied "because in the networks he sold himself as a great businessman who attracts investors" "oh, okay" said Mason and then asked "and why are active social networks now appearing? Didn't you remove them? she sneered and said "you know I can clone them, right?" With that explanation I continued "I told him that I would expect him the next day, I gave him the address in Queens, exactly at 79-25 Winchester Boulevard, in Queens Village, at 9 in the morning… the guy arrived, the funniest thing Is that I arrived with a bottle of wine, imagine at that time carrying a bottle of wine, in reality he thought he was going to have sex with Sara… Please!!!" Mason and Richardson, listening to her, looked at each other uneasily since they supposed that she had done something more than perverse, so with her hand holding a pen of hers, Richardson encouraged her to continue, she touching her chin with her wrinkled eyebrow continued " know? If the guy had changed his path before making the decision he made, he would be living enjoying the million dollars, but no, so before uncovering the bottle I asked him how much my earnings would be, as a good swindler he promised me 80% of increase, I said it while looking at my legs and my body, or rather, Sara's legs and body in a lascivious way " Mason interrupted " I guess you have Sara's suit in the suitcase " she said " no, she I burned" "what was the reason?" asked Richardson, she relaxed her body and said "it was no use to me, besides, she had already completed her cycle and it didn't fit in my suitcase" he replied winking at her, and continued "so after showing him the money, I served him a drink of the cheap wine he brought, to which I added 20mm of Valium, which put him to sleep in 2 minutes, I looked at my watch and used his phone to call Christian D'jeraux" . They took a break when they heard the door to the interrogation room open, it was Kiergan who brought food for the 3 people who were in the room, Richardson thanked him and asked if he had bought for him, to which he nodded. Nodding as she handed him the change, Kiergan wished them a good lunch and left the room. Seeing her food, she looked at it for a moment and was heard saying, "I'll miss this food a lot." Mason, smiling, said, "What? Can you imagine what your sentence will be?" she looking down at her food crestfallen told him "sure!" ignoring Mason's question.

Everyone in the room was consuming their lunches, the sound of cutlery on the food and the chewing of people could be heard, no one wanted to talk during that time, everyone still with a bittersweet taste about the suspect's confessions, except her, wanted finish that day as soon as possible, without the presence of Dr. Hubert they did not have an adequate tool to describe her, was she manipulative? Was she controlling? Had she started this bloody 2-year journey for nothing? And many more questions that filled them with anxiety, the answers varied from yes to maybe, which caused the detectives not to sleep or rest. They had captured her only because she allowed it, now she gave them every twisted detail of what she had done and how she had done it, the motive and causes were missing. Mason and Richardson watched her as they ate, she devoted herself entirely to eating and feeling their gaze on her, which didn't bother her but it did bother her.

During that time, Dr. Hubert in his office continued in his search for a well-known judge who would go over prosecutor Cox's warning, because for him it was of the utmost importance to have control over her and have her interned by force. . Back in the room, the detectives and the suspect finish their meal, pause, have their drinks and she grabs a cigarette, lights it and scratches her head to remember where she had left her confession, then she heard herself say "aha, ya I remembered!! The puppet and bastard of Christian D'jeraux" so he smoked his cigarette, drank water and then continued "as I was saying I called him from Jack's phone, and from my phone I could see his curious face, I asked him if he was the friend of Jack Elliot and he said yes, so I explained that Jack wanted to see him for a million dollar deal, so he did nothing more than ask for the address to get there and I gave it to him" "and while Christian arrived What were you doing with Jack? asked Mason, "Jack was still asleep, I got him off the couch, put him in a wheelchair and took him to the basement" he replied. Richardson was still looking at the laptop checking Christian's social networks and while he was doing it he saw the photos that connected him with Jack and Oliver, since the three came to live in the same community by fate. She continued "You know what's the most horrible thing about this? That Christian was worse off than the other two!"

Christian D'jeraux: He was a bullier, however Christian was Jack's follower, he didn't make a move without Jack not doing it or in his case he just started abusing other boys just for Jack to finish the job. Christian was the son of a single mother, who emigrated from France when she was pregnant with him. Christian grew up without a father, his mother, who had finished nursing school, left him under the supervision of a paternal relative and although he had a lot of support and love from them, he never got over the fact that his father was in jail . He finished high school and entered the university, which he abandoned mid-career and dedicated himself to working at Mc Donalds, however he continued to be friends with Jack, and also did what Jack did from time to time. He worked at Mc Donalds until the day he died, because despite being an attractive man, he had become a shadow of 1.75 cm, curly hair, dark brown eyes, white skin but no sense of the future.

She, remembering what Christian looked like, made a sound of displeasure "ugh!" showing his disgust towards Christian, so he continued "he came looking for Jack, and I told him I was in the bathroom, so I sat him down on the same couch and offered him a glass of wine with the same measure of Valium. While I was talking and asking about Jack, he fell asleep, so I did the same with him as I did with Jack, and I took the money with me... I had to make a big effort to be able to put them on their backs and tie them up, they were fucking garbage!! "he said with an angry face and with an angry tone almost shouting" calm down please, we already know how you change your temperament and mood, so continue "Mason asked him to achieve the task of the day" ok, they were in the basement and Their cries for help were heard, hahahahaha, who could help them if it was just them and me, I shot each of them in the knees, wow! I listened to how Jack screamed and Christian cried, I approached with my scalpel and first I cut off Jack's hands, and then I went to Christian and did the same to him, they both cried and looked at me, but they couldn't look at each other since they had their backs to each other, the most The sweetest thing I saw was when Christian asked Jack if he was okay, but Jack shut him up with a single cry... as always, Jack, the most stupid of the three." He took a strong sigh and continued, "I took off Sara's suit and showed them who I was and to each one of them, I told them why they were there! They just opened their eyes, and they kept screaming like crazy, at first it made me laugh, then I lit them on fire, it was masterful when you heard their torn screams of pain and tears... Did you know that human flesh stinks when it burns? Both Mason and Richardson were silent at such contempt from her, so she continued "I went to D'jeraux's mother's house, I just left him a bag with the hands of Jack and Christian with a note" "that said the note?" asked Richardson, "Your son will not come back, here is the payment for bringing a scum like him into the world, call 911 and give them the address" Mason got up from the table but not before exclaiming "for God's sake!!!" Covering her mouth so as not to scream at such a degree of evil, she replied "No, God has nothing to do with that, it was me!" Richardson watched as she laughed, and in turn lit another cigarette. More than four hours had passed since the interrogation, so the detectives decided to end the interrogation, and, although it was early, they wanted to rest with her for the time being, they didn't want to hear one more barbarity!