

Known in Greek mythology as the divinities in charge of threading the threads of life of human beings from birth to death, represented in a single female figure. … She smiled and said “Yes, I know, but you want to close the case, don't you?”, “Well, I want that for tomorrow, or I'll call a lawyer and we'll finish here”. Mason hit the bars furiously, but her look and her reaction were null, she just looked at him as if for her there were no more than her requests and somehow her blackmail, so Richardson at that moment took him by the arm and He told her “come on, you know what the prosecutor told us, come on, we still have a lot to do”. The detectives were amazed and stupefied with the way she told them the story, they observed the way she spoke, the facial gestures, the way she moved her hands, the tranquility and joy she showed in each act and situation she detailed. . They did not believe that she, a beautiful woman on the outside, intelligent, was a ruthless monster. They both looked at each other terrified, and although they wanted to stop for a moment, they wanted to finish to continue with the investigation of the missing data. Mason took a deep breath, exhaled, and then said, "Please continue." For now, let her sleep and leave the room until we hear from Chief Rammstein, it is important to know what the Clarks know about their son's whereabouts." Mason and Richardson quietly entered the interview room, collecting the documents and latex suit, and gently closing the door as she slept. They ended the day, heavy, feeling increasingly anxious about what would happen the next morning when they spoke to her again. Mason and Richardson hurried to the bunks and took a long rest after the day full of pain and hustle and bustle, they both lay down in their bunks and silence took place in that shared space, they wished each other goodnight and fell asleep with the conviction that something bad would happen once again. It was 7 a.m. on April 24, 2018, when Mason and Richardson saw Kiergan walk in agitated as they were getting ready to start the day questioning the suspect, Mason saw him and said “What's wrong Kiergan? Did you see a ghost?

Layla_Atenea · Urban
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10 Chs


After lunch, the three in the room took a break, so Mason left the room for a moment to call his father again and hung up as before, only leaving a message on voicemail again, meanwhile Richardson called his wife to ask about her and the children, listening to the voice of his beloved as always "Hello honey, we're fine, we miss you a lot" the sweet Julia was heard on the other side of the line, Richardson smiled and told her She said "I love you, honey, and I love the children, give them a kiss for me, I'll call you later", ending the conversation quickly as Mason indicated that it was time to return, looking through the glass that separated the living room from the entrance to his suspect, who was quietly smoking, drinking water and humming a song. "Do you know Richardson? She scared me a little when I saw her enjoying the food" "Why do you say that?" Richardson asked, "Because she is this woman, she is more dangerous than we think and we must be careful, maybe we could be in danger and we don't know it" Mason finished looking him in the eye.

They entered the interrogation room again, they sat down a little tired and began to look at the documents where the profiles of the victims were found, they put the photos of the victims back in front of her and she wrote down once, this time the photo of a thin young man, with a white sheet on his face "yes, the spoiled child" she said with satisfaction as she looked at the photo.. "like the spoiled child?" asked Richardson with a frown, "yes Jeffrey Clark, the son of a New York City Councilman" she replied, Mason asked her a little confused, bringing his hand to his head "how do you know he is the son of a New York City Councilman?" "Investigation" she said calmly, as if that hadn't been important "and tell me, Carter, have you heard from his father yet?" Mason looked at her with anger and indifference and replied in the same way "That's none of your business, my private life is none of your business" "Wow! I thought we were already friends!" she replied crossing her arms and with a little sadness, Mason hit the table hard which scared Richardson and he held her arm to calm down "come on, calm down, we're working, calm down... Go get some air and come back calmer" suggested Richardson and Mason replied "I'll take your word for it" Mason getting up from the interrogation table and leaving the room a little heated.

Leaving the room, covering his mouth so as not to scream and slamming the door violently, Mason met Captain Johnson and when he saw him so upset, he took him to his office. Has it gotten on your nerves?" Mason sat loosening his tie a bit, taking a breath and said "My father, I've been calling him for several days, and he doesn't answer my calls and she just asked me about my father, as if he really cared" Johnson told him. I look worried and ask "Do you think you can continue questioning her and finish this case?" Mason looked at him and answered with confidence "Yes, captain, only her presence and the way she acts disconcerts me" and then continued "She has the ability to control her emotions, and at the same time she has the ability to manipulate and act like a innocent person" continued said the captain "she is very intelligent and I plan everything with meditation" "I see" replied the captain "it seems that this is not the only thing that worries you" Mason held her hands and closed them both and said " I am worried that we are all in danger or some member of our families" "did you know that our victim is Jeffrey Clark?" " What?" expressed the concerned captain "how is that possible?" "But there's no missing person report, or at least the Clarks didn't make one!" the captain said. At that moment the captain took his phone and dialed the number of the Chief of Police's office "Chief Rammstein please, it's urgent! Tell him it's Captain Johnson from the 78th precinct." Then Chief Rammstein's voice was heard "Johnson, tell me what is urgent that you have to tell me" "Chief, it is about one of the victims of our detainee and suspect, the victim is Jeffrey Clark!" " Sorry?" Jeffrey Clark? Councilman Clark's son?" Rammstein repeated "yes boss, and if it is possible for you to talk to the Clarks and inquire about their son, it would help us a lot in the case" Johnson expressed, "Of course, of course, give me 1 hour and I will talk to them" "thanks boss" Johnson hung up telling Chief Rammstein.

Johnson looking at Mason with concern "in an hour he will call us to find out the situation with the Clarks... Let's hope the senator talks to Rammstein to clear up any doubts" "Wait, senator? I thought he was a councilman!" Mason said surprised , "If you are now a senator from the state of New York, you were elected in the last elections... You did not realize Didn't you notice? Where were you?" I affirm and ask Johnson, "well captain, working on the cases you assigned me" Mason replied with a smile on his face, after having calmed down. "Who is with the suspect?" Johnson asked, "Richardson stayed with her" "let's go to the room" Johnson said a little worried, when they arrived they saw through the glass how she was crossing her arms while Richardson looked at the documents again, Johnson entered the room and the He looked at both of them and at the suitcase, he made signs to Richardson to meet him outside, Richardson got up and as he left, he closed the door behind him, already with a gesture on his face that denoted tragedy and his hands in his pants pockets, he told them "Stop the interrogation for an hour, while the boss informs us about the conversation with the Clarks" "but captain!" Richardson said a little confused, "what's wrong? " he asked "Jeffrey Clark, is the son of now senator Robert Clark!!" Richardson opened his mouth, closed it with his hand and looked at them in surprise and answered a little confused "but how? If he never saw himself publicly with the senator" giving an immersed sigh with his hands still in his pockets the express captain "they had decided that their son should stay out of the public eye, they wanted him to make the decision for himself so as not to expose him or expose him his public life... Jeffrey really was not a good son and a human being, let's say "decent"" while they talked outside the room, through the wait they watched as she opened the suitcase and took out a package, which she opened immediately and took out a quilt and a pillow, the three surprised and saw how she spread it out on the floor, put the pillow on the mat and lay down on it.

The captain stood in front of the mirror and asked them, "Did you always have that suitcase with you when you came in here?" "Yes," replied Mason, the captain fixed his gaze on the suitcase, it was a 5.5-kilo travel-size suitcase, with bearings to move it easily, "and what do you have in that suitcase," Johnson asked, "does it have information related to the murders, from that suitcase he gave us the latex suit that I use with the Herminson brothers" replied Richardson, Captain Johnson showed an astonished face. At that moment Mason's phone rang and looking at the screen he saw that it said dad, he hurried to answer and heard the voice of his father saying "Hello Carter, how are you? I haven't called you because I'm in the Falklands, fun, you know!" "Dad, why didn't you tell me?" Mason asked as his father continued to speak "I'm fine!! I just wanted to get away for a bit, don't worry, everything is fine and I have my medications, I'll call you later, take care Carter, bye" and I hang up the call abruptly "dad, dad!!" Mason yelled, Captain Johnson and Richardson looked at him worried, Mason once again loosened his tie and told them "my father has called me and tells me he is in the Falklands" the captain smiled and said "Mason, calm down, that's it. I'll call you later, focus on the case please" and continued "for now let her sleep and leave the room until we hear from Chief Rammstein, it's important to know what the Clarks know about their son's whereabouts". Mason and Richardson passively entered the interrogation room, gathered up the documents and latex suit, and gently closed the door as she slept.

Captain Johnson looked at Mason's hand and asked, "Is that the latex suit?" "Yes", said Mason more calmly, "this is Katy Mintz" as he opened the suit for the captain to observe carefully, the captain observed him carefully, detailing each of the aspects of the suit and only said "take it to the coroner , there are several drops of blood… now I understand your concern about us and our family" Mason nodded and headed to the morgue to meet the medical examiner. Dr. Jefferson, a middle-aged man with gray hair, 1.80 meters tall, blue eyes, delicate hands and round glasses, looked at Mason and said "welcome Carter, I hope you bring me something good and surprises" Mason replied "Of course Thomas, this is Katy Mintz" showing him the suit as he opened it "the captain saw several drops of blood and wants you to examine them" Mason told him, "wow, wow, it must be that you doubt the laboratory staff "replied the doctor" No, only that this suit was used in the murder of the Herminson brothers "Mason replied while looking at the suit, and when he did not hear a response from the doctor he continued "he recently told us that he had murdered Jeffrey Clark" "WHAT !!? The doctor shouted "yes" Mason said calmly "he just confessed that he murdered the son of now Senator Clark" the doctor kept looking at Mason and tried to compose himself, he sat down on a seat near the examination table, he took off his glasses and then he said the guy must have been meticulous to kill them and do the same with Jeffrey" "well, not so meticulous because he left blood on his suit" as he sat near the doctor, crossing his arms and getting a little closer, he confessed "He is not a man, he is a woman" Dr. Jefferson turned his eyes and with a surprised face asked Mason "a woman?" "Yes, a woman and a very cold one, she is not only a psychopathic woman, she is also a sociopath" and continued "it seems that Jeffrey Clark's death affected you, huh?" The doctor, a bit recomposed, told him "I always told him that he would not reach 40, but well, tell the captain that tomorrow he will have the results of the analysis of the blood drops" "thanks Thomas" replied Mason, before leaving he listened behind his back "and Carter, I will be available to continue investigating more data on the case" said the doctor before detective Mason left the morgue room.

While all this was happening in the precinct, Chief Rammstein was on his way to the Clark house, it was in Tribeca, on the Upper Side of Manhattan, exactly between 59th Street and Central Park. Chief Rammstein, sitting in the back of the mercedes benz that was being driven by his assistant officer, was concerned with the news of the death of the senator's son, he did not know how to break the news or how to talk about the disappearance of his son, he hoped that talking to the Clarks would clarify Jeffrey's current situation. "We're here," the assistant officer told him, parking the car in front of the Clark house, the boss got out of the car, positioning his body straight and holding his hat in his left hand, he opened the gate that led to the entrance to the porch of the house. house and pressed the doorbell of the house, at that moment Mrs. Clark opened the door, a slim woman 1.65 meters tall, with reddish hair and white skin, with a look of joy, "welcome Chief Rammstein, it's a pleasure to have you at home, come in" said Mrs. Clark, wearing a blue dress that matched her gold shoes, "thank you" said the boss entering the house, while Mrs. Clark spoke behind the boss, "Luisa, bring some drinks please , would you like something to drink Chief Rammstein" as she walked behind him "yes, please a whiskey and double, thank you" "Erick will come down in a moment to talk to us" said Mrs. Clark as they headed to the living room, Rammstein detailed every object and every decor tion that was in the room, observing the elegance and simplicity of it, at that moment Luisa entered the room with the drinks on a silver tray offering Rammstein his double whiskey, Mrs. Clark offered a Blood Mary, At the moment of turning around, Senator Erick Clark appeared and offered him a dry Scotch. Rammstein got up from his seat and Erick said "Well, Rammstein? What is your visit today? As he took a sip of his drink, "Well, when was the last time you talked to Jeffrey?" asked Rammstein with his head slightly lowered and a questioning look… "haha, well, about a year ago we spoke with him, he left us a note that he would go on a trip, we received a postcard every 15 days and a call per week" he said Celia with a slightly shy and worried smile while touching her chest, "also" pausing while taking her cell phone from the coffee table "her social networks are active" and showed Rammstein what she was saying, because you ask?" she managed to say with more concern. Rammstein took the cell phone and while he was going through the dates and the photos of them, he told him "two days ago we caught a suspect for the murders of the 15 men that we had not been able to solve" Erick answered with a question "Well? Did the guy say something key? The motives? Who were they? Rammstein responded with the same worried look, "She, our suspect is a female, she's being held at the 78th Precinct, Mason and Richardson have been getting direct information from her."

" What? A woman?" Erick asked even more surprised, "and does he have a lawyer with her?" "No" said Rammstein "I only know that when we showed him the photo of the next victim he gave us the name of Jeffrey, although the photo had no face" Celia gave a huge scream that scared those present and said "My God! What kind of person would do that?" Rammstein turned his gaze in her direction and replied "a person who has no soul". Erick, a man almost 60 years old with gray hair and 1.77 meters tall, with an athletic body for his age, sat thinking about what he had just heard, finished his drink and asked Luisa to bring him another and asked them to bring him another. Ramsstein, Celia took her drink and did the same. Rammstein loosened his tie and asked Celia "do you have the postcards of the places Jeffrey has supposedly been?" Celia at that moment left the room and went straight to her room where she had a chest with all the postcards she had received from Jeffrey, while in the living room Erick asked Rammstein "and what should we do now?" Rammstein replied "well, I will take these postcards to the precinct, I will give them to the detectives to show them and I will ask the captain to make the identification as quickly as possible, whether it is a negative or positive answer I will let them know in due time" Luisa and Celia entered at that moment, Luisa with the tray with the drinks and Celia with the chest, Luisa offered each of them their drinks, while Celia sat down and opened the chest, giving the police chief the postcards. Rammstein took them in his hands and reviewed each of them, Portugal, Spain, including Angola were some of the postcards he had received, then thoughtfully asked once again "Do you know the movement of Jeffrey's bank accounts and credit cards?" ?" "Well" said Celia getting up and taking the correspondence that was on the furniture in the living room "here are your balances, there have been movements in those countries" "Well" said Rammstein rushing to finish his drink "I'll take all this, as I told them whether it is negative or positive news, I will let you know, with permission" leaving the room and the house, crossing the door and entering the car that was waiting for him outside while his assistant took a short break, "let's go to the 78th precinct" indicating to his assistant.

At the Mason Precinct, Richardson and Captain Johnson had been waiting for news from Chief Rammstein as they read the statements Katy had given them, confirming every detail of the Herminson brothers' deaths and having doubts about the death of Jeffrey Clark. . 40 minutes of it passed, when at that moment they saw Chief Rammstein enter with his assistant, everyone in the precinct stopped to greet the chief and his assistant including the caitan and the detectives. In his hand he carried Jeffrey's postcards and account balances, with a look he indicated them to enter the captain's office, the three went directly to the office, and being inside the assistant came out and closed the door, keeping watch so that No one interrupted, Rammstein sat in the captain's chair, while Johnson, Mason and Richardson took several of the seats in the office. Rammstein put his hat on the desk at the same time that he handed the captain the postcards and the balance sheets while saying "the Clarks said that about a year ago they spoke with their son when he notified them that he was going on a trip, he has sent them postcards and there have been movements of their accounts and credit cards, they also receive a call every 15 days" taking a continuous sigh "are you sure that she told you that the victim was Jeffrey Clark?" Looking at Mason directly, "Yes, she called him the spoiled child," Mason managed to reply, "Well, go into that room, talk to her, and show her the package I just delivered," he ordered Mason and Richardson, turning his gaze to Johnson told him "I want to have at hand all the available information, whether negative or positive" getting up from the chair and approaching the door "the Clarks will be on the lookout, they want to know if it is their son or not" "yes boss, so "We'll do it," replied Johnson with a worried look. "Oh, and if there's any trace of blood or other indicator of organic material, please have the lab do it in less than 48 hours." Rammstein ordered as he put on his hat. More pending cases to be resolved!" replied Johnson concerned "I know, but this has become a priority, we already have two public servants murdered, I don't want to think that in reality the son of an elected senator has been murdered by her" leaving from the office a little upset and looking at the assistant who already knew it was time to leave.

Mason and Richardson arrived at the interrogation room and saw how she slept peacefully, they slammed the file on the table and Mason yelled at her "Get up sleeping beauty! You have a lot to tell us", she turned around, opened her eyes, stretched, He got up from the floor, folded the bedspread and pillow and put them back in the plastic container that had kept them, fixed his hair and clothes, rubbed his eyes and sat in front of them with a smile, "what are you laughing at? " Richardson said, "ah, it's nice to take a nap after a tasty lunch and a free break" sighing and looking them straight in the eye she said "you know? For two years she had not slept so placidly and peacefully "while they continued with her slightly mocking smile" and well? He asked "Shall we continue? Not without a coffee and a cigarette first" he said as he crossed his arms, Richardson gave her a cup of coffee, handed her the cigarettes and she took one of them, lit it up and took a sip with the calm that she had. characterized her. Mason, a little annoyed by that attitude, asked him, showing him the postcards and the account balances "why are you lying? Here we have the postcards that Jeffrey has sent to his parents and the account balances and credit cards", she looked at them and she smiled so hard that they both looked at her once more with bewilderment "do you think I'm lying, really?" looking at them and indicating the suitcase "Richardson, since you are so close to the suitcase, open it, you will find a black box with the initials JC" Richardson without taking his eyes off her did what she told him, with the box in his He handed it to Mason who opened it and found inside it a key, it was a small silver key with the number 15 on it. Mason showed it to him and asked "And this key? What is it for?" She told him "that key will open one of the vaults of the morgue, there gentlemen you will find a body under the name of Adam Schultz, you will also find his face and his fingers" while giving a puff of smoke, "how?" Richardson asked, uncomfortable with such a confession "how is it possible that the body has been there for a year and no one has claimed it?" "That is called negligence on the part of the police and the forensic body, you have not examined it" she said calmly, Mason with the key in his hand gave it to Richardson and asked him to go to the morgue to investigate if it was true what she claimed, at that moment Richardson left the room and Mason asked him "How did you get the body into the morgue without anyone noticing?" "You should have had someone to help you" she looked at him a bit annoyed "come on Carter!! Give me some credit!!, do you think I planned this with help?.... Hahahahahahahaha, I thought you were more observant and insightful!!" Mason, uncomfortable with the situation, asked him again "and then how did you do it?" She replied "I went to a costume shop, I rented a paramedic suit before I killed him, I rented a van, I changed everything that was inside and equipped it as an ambulance, I painted it and the day I killed him, I already had it ready to take the body to the morgue, of course, but not before changing its name…. You see?! Easy!" she answered raising her arms with joy, Mason looked at her with a mixture of anger, astonishment and a little stunned. At that same time Richardson was going down the stairs to the morgue, with a little anxiety Richardson stood in front of the door, fixed his messy appearance a bit, took a sigh and opened the door, Dr. Jefferson looked at him surprised and said " It must be my lucky day!! Hi George, it's a miracle to see you here!!" Richardson looked at him holding in his hand the key that Katy had given him and walking towards him asked "Is there a vault number 15 here?" Jefferson looked at him and replied as he took off his glasses "yes, a-up in the last drawer to the left" surprised and watching Richardson walk towards the indicated direction, he saw how he tried to discover how to climb to open the vault "to the next to you there is a small staircase! "Jefferson indicated, Richardson was afraid to go up and open the vault, before opening it he turned on his feet and looked at Dr. Jefferson, he took a quick look at the key he had in his hand and asked him "Have you performed the autopsy on the body that is in there? "Which body?" Jefferson asked confused "there is no body there, I don't have a record of it either" while he went to the table where the records of all the bodies that arrived at the morgue were located, "what is happening?" As he flipped through the list, "Tell me what this is all about?" Richardson told him "the suspect told us that we would find the body of Jeffrey Clark under the name of Adam Schultz" Jefferson got upset, ran his hand over his head and told Richardson "get off, I'll do it" while taking the key from him hand in hand and took the ladder to go up and open open the vault, he went upstairs and looked at the name card and asked "did you say Adam Schultz?" as he held up the card and looked at Richardson, to which Richardson nodded his head positively. Immediately her body began to sweat cold and tremble before the reality that she was living, there really was the unidentified body of Jeffrey Clark, Richardson looking at him realized that what she had told them was as true as that moment.

Jefferson asked Richardson to take him the folding table that was next to the cabinet to lift it and remove the body from the vault, Richardson unfolded it and with the lever he had raised it to make Jefferson's work easier, when they opened it and they put the body on the table, they found a package, when Richardson saw it he began to feel panic and anxiety thinking that in a few minutes everything she had confessed to them would come true. Still immersed in her thoughts, Richardson snapped back to reality when he heard Jefferson say "what is this?" While holding in his hand a package wrapped in black plastic, medium size, touching it and feeling its hard and soft texture, Richardson looked at him and even more surprised and said "it must be... the face and the fingers of the body "Sighing more and more, Jefferson hurried to open the package and put it on the sampling table, while he opened it he felt nervous and sweat ran down his forehead, when he finished opening it, he saw in front of him the severed face of surgical way of the corpse, he also took out the package the fingers of my body, he was surprised and looked at Richardson in an almost scary way "she told them that we would find this?" Richardson just nodded as he took his phone from him and dialed Mason's number. Jefferson took the face in front of him and took it in his hands, taking it towards his body, while he removed a white sheet that was covering his face and his entire body, superimposed it on his skinless face, and searched among his things for a surgical needle. and thread to start sewing it and thus be able to do the recognition.

As Mason continued to question the suspect, her phone rang, she looked at it and answered Richardson's call, "Hello," Mason said, as Richardson sat down and began to tell her in detail what he had discovered. "If there was a body named Adam Schultz, we found the body." package with the face and fingers of the victim, at this moment Thomas is sewing it to identify it…. Mason, she was telling the truth." Mason listened to Richardson's voice and gave the suspect a contemptuous look, while she looked at him with her arms crossed and a satisfied smile, then raised her hands in the direction of her eyes. and he noticed how his nails were dirty and worn "oh, I must go to the manicure soon" saying it as if what was happening was of little importance. "Okay, tell me when Thomas is done to talk to the captain and the Chief" Mason ended the call and she asked him "well Carter, shall we continue?" Mason nodded and asked "how did you do it? How did you manage to kill him?" as she leaned back and picked up one of the cigarettes on the table and loosened her tie and picked up the pencil and paper to write down every word she said.

"I thought you didn't smoke!!" she said "again, it's none of your business" Mason said "Speak!!" I order him, "Well Carter, do you know that Central Park is a very lonely park?" "Aha, I already knew… And what does that have to do with Jeffrey?" Mason asked, "Well, the spoiled brat was a regular guy, he would run in the morning, work on Wall Street and finally drink and get high in a bar near his house, ha! Yes, it was easy to follow him for a whole month !!, he helped me a lot with my goal, well, without further ado, it was 4 in the morning when he got up to go to his exercise routine, his favorite? Running in Central Park, so it was easy for me to get to where the public bathroom was where he made his run, go in and wait for him", "wait" Mason interrupted her "do you remember the date of that day?" Mason asked him "oh yes, around December 24th, yes, that was exactly on Christmas" "I can't believe Jeffrey went running on Christmas and it was so cold and snowy" Mason said "and why do you think he was on drugs? " she replied. Mason remained silent and nodded at such a statement "continue" she took a sip of coffee and said "as Carter told you, I went into the bathroom that was on the route where he passed, since he always went into the bathroom to inhale cocaine to continue, so when he was getting high i put my arm around him and shocked him with my teaser" "wait, which teaser?" Mason interrupted "Open the suitcase" she told him, Mason took it out and looked at him and said "go on please" "as I was saying, I gave him a shock with a teaser and he only saw my eyes, but his eyes were afraid and surprise at the same time, hahaha! If you had seen him it would make you laugh, all the fear I felt made me feel happy, then I immobilized him by sitting on him so he wouldn't move and before he screamed I put a piece of cloth in his mouth so his screams wouldn't be heard! !" "wait, and where were the bodyguards?, because Jeffrey had bodyguards" interrupted Mason "drunk and sleeping in Jeffrey's house" she said "well2 she said wanting to continue her confession" as I was saying she was on top of him and with a scalpel I began to remove his face, slowly! He writhed in pain and moved a lot, so I gave him another shock with my teaser, so I could finish my work, the poor thing didn't know who was hurting him so much... After removing his face, I gave him the third shock and I was able to remove his fingers, just the bottom so they wouldn't identify him, so I wrapped them in a black plastic package along with the skin on his face intact, then I shot him twice, once in the heart and once in the the penis" "and where was the van that you had turned into an ambulance?" asked Mason a little disgusted with the confession "behind the bathroom, of course I wasn't going to do so much force".

Meanwhile in the morgue, Thomas had finished sewing the skin to the corpse's face, seeing him in detail with surprise and sadness at the same time he told Richardson "it's... it's Jeffrey Clark" said Dr. Jefferson trembling, with tears on his eyes. eyes and sitting on the chair near the table where the body of the victim was, Richardson immediately dialed Mason again and when he answered he spoke "Mason... It's confirmed, it's Jeffrey Clark" Mason looked at the suspect again and replied " well, call the captain and tell him, he will take care of talking to Chief Rammstein to give him this bad news" she looked at Mason and just asked "confirmed?" Mason nodded, took a breath, ran his hands over her chest and abdomen and asked "why did you do it?" She drank more coffee, lit another cigarette and told him after a puff of hun "he hid everything that the Herminson brothers had done using their father's influences" Mason with a questioning look "but how? How do you know that the Herminson brothers and Jeffrey Clark knew each other? She looked at him and brought her face and body closer to Mason and said "Didn't you see the video? They made a pact that cost each of them and the others dearly!" "But what is that so serious that they did for you to kill them?" asked Mason "calm down Carter, when I finish giving you all the information about the murders in the end you will know what they did, why they did it and who I am" she finished looking Mason directly in the eyes, Mason uneasy with the answer asked again "there is something I don't understand, who sends the postcards and uses Jeffrey's money and manages his social networks and makes the calls?" She hit his face with her right hand, sighing and relaxing her body, looking up, she said "Oh my God! Men at last!.... I hired a homeless man with a physique similar to Jeffrey's, I offered him the business of his life to pretend to be Jeffrey, I gave him his cards, cloned of course, clone his social networks and delete the original ones, and I instructed the homeless man to call every 15 days so that his parents would calm down!" "And why did it sound like Jefrrey's voice?" asked Mason "voice synthesizer" she ended up answering calmly and sincerely, "where is the gun you shot him with and what model was it?" she turned her head in the direction of the suitcase and he opened it and put his hand in looking for it "inner left pocket" she indicated "a 9 millimeter clock" said Mason when checking the weapon, which he put in a bag, he left after the room and called Kiergan instructing him to take it to the lab to have it analyzed and to give him the results as soon as they came out.

Richardson at that moment called the captain and confirmed the news, so at the time of hanging up the call, Captain Johnson called Chief Rammstein and he personally answered his phone saying "yes Johnson, tell me the news" answering the call, along that the captain said "confirmed, it's Jeffrey Clark, they just informed me from the morgue" replied the captain already immersed in the certainty that something bad would follow from all this, "well" said the chief and continued "I will immediately call the senator and his wife so they can identify the body" and hung up the call immediately, instantly dialed the senator's number and after two rings the senator answered "yes Rammstein, tell me please" the senator replied "unfortunately I don't have good news for you They just identified the body... I'm very sorry Senator, it's Jeffrey who was in the morgue for a long time... My condolences Senator, I'll wait for you at the precinct to identify and deliver the body ". A heartbreaking scream was heard and objects falling and breaking scared his wife and Luisa inside the house, when Celia saw him she knew immediately that her son was no longer there at this moment, screaming and falling to the ground with her hands on her chest, Luisa cried and tried to calm them down.

In the precinct, Captain Johnson approached the interrogation room, opened the door and ordered Mason to leave, Mason got up and left the room, while the Captain closed the door behind him, outside the Captain looked in the mirror and with a gaze fixed on the mirror, he told Mason "the senator and his wife are coming to identify the body and take it to bury it, finish for today, I think what follows is going to be more heartbreaking" "okay Mason said, I'll call Kiergan to take her to her cell" "no, do it yourself" said the captain and Mason nodded, he went back into the room and said "get up, we're done for today" "okay" she said. She put her hands in front of Mason for him to handcuff her and Mason handcuffed her, arranged the documents and put them under her arm as she closed the suitcase and lifted it off the floor, opened the door and indicated the exit with her hand to take her to the cells. When they arrived, Mason ordered the officer who was sitting reading and watching the other inmate who had arrived to open the cell for her to enter, he guided her to the cell and put the suitcase in a corner, he took the key from the pocket of his jacket I took her out and took off her handcuffs, she looked at him and said "when we finish all this, you will understand that what I did was not just for revenge" Mason looked at her and left the cell towards the morgue.

An hour later, the Clarks arrived directly at the morgue, there Chief Rammstein, Captain Johnson and Detective Mason were waiting for them, Erick and Celia Clark looked devastated and sad, "Senator, Mrs. Clark my deepest condolences" said Captain Johnson Mason expressed the same thing and then the Chief interrupted saying "Let's go this way, please" leading them to the autopsy room, when they entered Richardson and Jefferson were waiting for them. Jefferson went ahead and hugged the senator and his wife saying "I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was him" "how?" Erick replied "what are you trying to say with that Thomas?" Thomas looked at him and then turned around and asked everyone, "Don't you know yet? Haven't they told you yet?" "Tell us what?" asked Erick, Captain Johnson replied "your son's body was under our noses for more than a year in one of the morgue vaults under the name of Adam Schultz" while he passed his hand over his face and massaged his forehead, Celia cried with more pain and tried to stifle her screams with her hands, Erick held her and told Thomas "please, let's finish this" Thomas nodded and continued to lift the sheet that covered the body, seeing Celia pounced on the body of his son and cried inconsolably, Erick looked at him with tears and tried to silence his crying with a clenched fist between his lips, detailing every aspect of the body, when he asked Thomas as he dried his tears with his hands and with his arm " Why is his face sewn up and his fingers cut off? Trying to touch him, Mason replied "she cut the skin off his face and cut off her fingers so that it would not be easy to identify him" "I also shot him" Thomas complemented the answer. "I want to see her" said Celia, to which Erick said "no, not now dear, let them do their job and take care of her, let's take our son home" at that moment Erick handed Thomas a card and He told him "send him to this funeral home, we will be waiting for him". They all left the room immediately with tired and saddened bodies, when they were in the hallway Mason approached the senator and said "Senator, sir, excuse my question, did you know if Erick knew the brothers Ross and Daniel Herminson?" "Like, are they dead too?" Erick replied astonished "yes sir, I torture them and burn them alive".

"They worked in the municipality, they were both professionals and they met a lot with Jeffrey, they met 3 years ago on a trip and since then they haven't separated" "but why do you ask Mason?" "We are working on it, when we have the relationship we will let you know, senator, thank you" Chief Rammstein approached the senator with a bit of sorrow and putting his hand on the man asked him "Are you going to make an announcement to the media?" To which the senator with tears in his eyes replied "No, we will only do the funeral privately" "Have they already identified her? Do you know who she is? hearing this, the captain said "No, we don't know who he really is, we don't have any fingerprints or data" "Well" said the senator "I recommend that you don't announce anything to the media until we know what he has done and to whom, we should be more careful between us" he finished leaving for his home.

Three days later, the funeral of the young Jeffrey Clark was held, the closest relatives of the family arrived at the cemetery to accompany the Clarks in their pain, the media were not invited, several deputies, senators, Captain Johnson, the Chief of Police Ramsstein and detectives Mason and Richardson attended. Senator Erick went up to the atrium to talk about his son, while Celia wept inconsolably. Everyone murmured in surprise at Jeffrey's death and no one dared to ask how or why. An hour later the funeral was over and everyone left for their home, the parked limousines awaited them as they walked taciturnly towards them, the cemetery was desolate while the detectives, the captain and the chief formed a circle to discuss part of the case. Captain Johnson only managed to say "I was thinking of holding a press conference informing about the case, but under these circumstances there will be no communication with them" looking at Mason he said "she does not have a lawyer, she has spoken freely she continues to comply with her requests and for Please Mason, try to hide your disgust in front of her, are we? "Yes, Captain," Mason said, "Richardson, please see to it that what I have said is done." Giving him an orderly look, Richardson scratched his head for a moment, sighed with his hands in his pockets, and said, "Captain, we've already lost two days of the week in which we would obtain all the information, it takes us….." the captain looked at him and replied "if they have to be away from home for a month they will do it! Now more than ever we must end this!" and they all walked in the direction of the precinct.


This is the CBN channel with its presenter Jazmin Hudson!!

30 minutes ago, the bodies of Senator Erick Clark and her husband Celia Clark were found, who apparently committed suicide after participating in the funeral of her son Jeffrey Clark. The details of Jeffrey's death are not yet known in depth, so it is still unknown. The bodies were found by their housekeeper Luisa Sanchez who, upon arriving home, found Senator Clark in his study and Mrs. Clark in her room with no vital signs, so the housekeeper called 911 to report his death. The police department maintains total secrecy. We will be reporting later.