

Chahat is a very lovely girl she is an orphan yes she is an orphan in everyone's Eyes but the reality is different only she knows the reality, That she is not an orphan let's join the journey to know why she is spending an Orphan life.

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"Your sister also tried a lot, she lost it miserably, she was just an ant before their power", we should end the game faster. Hoo uncle, "what is the fun in ending the game by blowing up the rocket speed". Said chahat.

"But what will you do"?

"uncle, we will set the trap, just like a trap is laid to catch fish, in the same way, he will not even imagine that the trap is not for his younger brother but for his own". "When he is enjoying his brother's bad luck, then we will attack him. We have to plant a bait to catch our fish now that bait itself is Yuvraj".

"I have done my first attack".

What have you done, "you have not done anything, you have written and uploaded something in this laptop, what will happen by this".

they will be resting peacefully and they will wake up in a mess. The Scintilla planted by me on the internet. It will become fire when people read it and spread it like a fire.

"Whatever happens nowadays, this technology is beyond the comprehension of people like us, Uncle does not understand anything". said the taxi driver.

One minute uncle, you are not used to al this. means (technology) she gives a shocked expression, "when you do not know how to use, then how will you enjoy this drama", come let me teach you.

There is a button here to on the laptop, it will be pressed, then it is turned on, then it will be turned on, it is such a symbol. It makes sense that everything is seen. Nothing is impossible if you want to learn. You will learn everything, at the moment you should think about using it for now. because another party can find us in it when we upload something.