

I had to hold back laughter at the cheek of this woman who clearly knew the ranks we presented but didn't give a damn about them.

"His birth name woman ." Pres growled at her and she smiled widely at us.

"see now I'm not allowed to deliver that kind of info. Wouldn't matter anyways his name is Doc and has nothing to do with me. However my name is Fraeya and it is so very kind of you to rescue me off the desert floor. "

"What were you doing out there anyways?" I asked her and her dark brown eyes looked at me.

"Blue eyes...you're the one who picked me up. And I was heading to Tucson but a damn semi nearly crashed into me so I jumped off my scooter and hoped for the best. " she paused as if evaluating herself before seeming coming to a conclusion. "I'm doped up aren't I? Goddamn pain meds are the best!"

"Yes I gave you strong sedatives for the pain that you should be feeling. You fractured your sternum and cut up the bottom of your feet with that stunt. Not to mention sever dehydration and hullcinations by the time they got you here." Doc scolded her before adding," mine telling us why you said no cops or hospitals?"

The doped up Fraeya frowned and her eyes got a dark look in them before replying, " I dont like hospitals and cops dont like me. You know I was on jail for two weeks when they were only suppose to hold me for three days and they claimed it was because of 'mixed up paperwork'" she made air quotes with her tiny fingers.

I had looked her over before but now seeing her awake on her own and yeah very fucking drugged. She was beautiful. Small and petite with a fierce attitude and hour glass figure. She wore jeans and a black tank top with a plaid over shirt. Her long brown hair was a mess and she'd probably bitch about it if she was sober but I figured drugged up was pretty damn amusing.

"why were you in jail?" I couldn't help but ask trying not to laugh.

"Mara~ju~wana!" she sang laying back down and her eyes started closing as she seemed to have exhausted all energies she had left. "I'm gonna die when I'm sober. "

"why are you going to die?"

"Tetas is gonna fucking kill me for being so unresponsible. Then she gonna kill me because I haven't a clue where I am or who you are. " a sleepy smile made its way onto her face before she completely went to sleep.

"Guess we let her sleep and ask her again when she's sober."

Prez looked so unamused and glared at me,"Fenrir you are way to fucking amused for my liking. "

I grinned manically at him and he huffed walking away from me. Fraeya was gonna be amusing to watch over. That was for sure.