2 Chapter 2: Going about our normal lives?

The winds flexed its muscles across the extraordinary advanced city of New York. The lively sounds of cars hooting, people going about their normal lives and construction renewed the city as the leaves of a large number of tress swayed left and right in a gentle manner. At that very moment all people could think about or talk about was the new superhuman society Dr J talked about. Although many doubted , most of the population believed Dr J and though it was the best idea to transform this society into a place dominated by superhumans.

During the early hours of the day when most of the youth are at school, many of the Construction workers across the country were working on a building called the ``New beginning``. Rumours said that will be the place where the gas will be developed into different samples so everyone has a unique supernatural ability. Because the building looked unstable, many dared not to go near the building fearing for their lives while those who were brave enough to go near it were often chased away by the workers.

There was one distinct school ( Future Leaders Academy) 2500 kilometers east of the ``New Beginning`` which stood out. It was founded in 2025 by non other than the Harrisons. It is ranked no.1 in the whole of the world and it known as one of the most prestigious high schools that ever existed. The school is divided into four sectors. Each sector represented a Grade. One of the classes from the first sector was having a register period. That class was known as to be the best in the whole school academically speaking.

``Class, we have a new learner.`` Ms Muller said. She was dressed in a long French dress caught the eye of many students. Her thick, wavy brown had never had a curl out of place. Her small, dark-brown eyes were fringed with long, thick lashes. Her very expensive heavy makeup alongside her outfit overshawdowed the presence of the new learner. All eyes were focused on Ms Muller rather than the new learner. ``Class let us give him a chance to introduce himself!!`` she said and she gently pushed him ahead of herself.

There was a short period of silence as the attention switched towards the boy. He was taller than Ms Muller and had large dark-blue eyes and had a nervous facial expression. ``Go ahead!!`` one of the learners said as the class was waiting for him to talk. ``Well... My name is Shawn and I am from Hillsbrough Academy in England. I moved into this city for personal reasons and decided to join this school. Thank you.`` he said as he walked towards a empty seat a bit further from the rest. ``Please keep yourself busy and wait for the bell to ring before you leave this class.`` Ms Muller said as she walked towards her own seat. ``Do not forget to push in your chairs.`` she added.

``Did you complete your assignment.`` Eden asked. Eden is a positive young boy who always looks at the bright side of life. According to his classmates, he never loses his smile and always manages to spread positive vibes. ``Obviously. Do not ask me rhetorical questions!`` Regina replied. Hearing this, the class gave off a hysterical laugh. ``Ok then.`` Eden replied. ``Hey Eden, what do you think of this future superhuman society?`` one of Eden classmates asked. Apparently his name was Elliot and he was the complete opposite of Eden. He is always rude and angry and spread off a angry vibe. ``Well I think that overall it is a good idea that comes with its advantages and disadvantages like any other idea. My best friend was the one who...`` Eden said before he was interrupted by one of his classmates. ``Shawn!!!`` Why don`t you come join us!?`` one of the learners shouted. This caught Ms Muller attention. ``Keep it down!!!`` Ms Muller said. ``I do not want to give out demerits on the first week of school.`` she added. ``Ok mam. Sorry`` the learner replied.

``That new kid... he is something else.`` Elliot said with a soft voice. ``Someone she tell him about Heath.`` he added. Elliot`s words hit Regina hard. ``What is wrong with him`` Regina asked. ``He is an air of the Harrison Family and our class rep. Does that not say something!?`` Elliot replied. ``Just keep quiet if you have nothing to say!! Regina said as she rolled her eyes. BEEEEEEPPPP... ``Attention sorry for this interruption, Eden Davies please come to the office with your school back.`` the intercom said as it grabbed everyone`s attention. ``What did you do. Did you get in trouble`` one of the learners jokingly asked. ``I do not know!`` he replied with a confused look on his face.

As Eden was walking towards the office, he could not help but wonder why they called him. All those confusing thoughts overwhelmed him. ``I am here.`` Eden said as he arrived at the office. ``It is time for you to go home. Your mom requested that you go home now. the receptionist said with a serious look on her face. ``What! Why!?`` Eden replied. ``I do not know, I do not want to lie to you. But whatever it is she need you now more than ever.`` the receptionist said.

When Eden arrived home he saw his mom and asked her what was going on. ``Your best friend is in the hospital.`` she said with gloomy eyes. ``What, how, when!`` he said with a very anxious and shaky voice. ``I do not know. Apparently the ambulance found him on the ground with black veins and took him in.`` his mother said. Hearing this Eden could not help but tear up. He tried his best to keep it in. ``How is he?`` Eden asked as he was tearing up. ``I do not know, but that is why we are going to see him.`` she said as she was packing her bag. ``Go get ready. We are going in five minutes.`` she added.

On the way all Eden could think about is who would do this to such a thing to a person. He saw two men exchanging fist and kicks which caught a large number of audience leading to traffic but he could not care less. When they arrived at the hospital they had to wait before they could see him. Eden kept walking back and forth waiting to see him. ``I cannot take this anymore`` Eden said as he was kicking the chair. ``We have been waiting to see him for 1 hour but these doctors are taking their sweet time`` he continued before he realized a doctor was watching him. ``You done`` the doctor asked. ``I know it is hard for you but you have to be patient`` the doctor added. ``You can come in`` doctor said as he was walking away.

Seeing his friend Eden became emotional. ``Who did this to you.`` Eden asked. ``The Harrisons, stop them before it is too late.`` his friend said with a soft voice. Then suddenly a large circular portal opened right before Eden eyes. ``Go into the future and see what the world will become if you do not stop them.`` his friend said.

When Eden entered the portal he found himself in a empty void place. In that place, no sort of man-made structures could be found. The only thing he could see is a man walking around and laughing. ``Little Brother I told you I will do this!`` the man said. Eden could not see who the man is but his voice sounded familiar. ``Heath, mom, dad... LOOK AT ME!!!!`` the man shouted. His voice could be heard many miles away.

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