
Young Magus's Killing Spree Of Mass Murderers (1)

XXX Mall, Berserlion State, United Federation,

A fourteen year old black coloured hair young man was seen eating pizza alone in food court.

'Mmm... Yummy!'

The young man looked over to a side which had a television showing trending news to people who are leisurely having food in food court.

"Hmm?", the young man took his own mobile from his packet. He then plugged in his earphones in his mobile. Finally, he searched up and started watching the latest news.

"This is Mardock from Achelous News. Today, I would like to inform you about a very regretful news.", Mardock looks very sad.

"Today midnight, Damarchus Magus Mercenaries was eradicated by Carduelis Magus Organization. Damarchus Magus Mercenaries has been supporting a lot of magus activities in United Federation. It seems that Carduelis Magus Organization, an evil magus organization that's been wrecking havoc for the last 10 years in United Federation has been very displeased with Damarchus stopping many of their evil plans. But who would have thought that Carduelis had the capabilities of completely eradicating Damarchus before any reinforcements could have arrived from United Federation. I can't help but be infuriated at hearing such news. I hope that United Federation, that is, our Nation, figures out a way to root out this Carduelis Magus Organization."

The young man then pulled out his earphones from his mobile and then tucked it in his front pant pocket along with his mobile. He then hummed to himself.

'So, Damarchus Magus Mercenaries are no more. This is a very terrifying news. I am pretty sure that the people of United Federation are very displeased with this news. But still... how could they get eradicated? Even if Carduelis is a very terrifying organization, I still can't believe they got eradicated. Could it be that Carduelis has been underestimated too much by everyone? Or is there another external reason for their eradication?'

"Hah, can't believe any of the news nowadays.", the young man sighed sadly.

The young man then looked over to a plastic bag which seems to have been completely filled and placed on another chair right besides the table. The young man then smirked while looking around. He then slowly got up, picked up the heavy plastic bag, looked around, and walked towards the public male toilet.

'According to the vision I had deduced, they should be here any time soon. If that's the case, then It's time to suit up!'

Underground Parking of XXX Mall,

There was a white coloured Van parked. Out of nowhere, a tearing sound of steel could be heard inside the Van followed by lots of movement inside Van.

One entity inside the channel spoke through a radio speaker.

"Team 1 Ready, Over"

"Team 2 Ready, Over"

"Team 3 Ready, Over"

"Team 4 Ready, Over"

"Team 5 Ready, Over"

"Team 6 Ready, Over"

"Team 7 Ready, Over"

"Team 8 Ready, Over"

"Team 9 Ready, Over"

"Team 10 Ready, Over"

"Engage, Over and Out", spoke Team 1 Leader

The door of Van was suddenly opened by sliding it open, 5 armed entities with advanced shields came out, then jogged cautiously towards lift.

Inside a male bathroom of XXX Mall, someone was dressing up inside an enclosed toilet and it was none other than the young man.

"Phew... finally dressed up.", the young man seems to have dressed up in traditional black coloured military outfit of United Federation Air Force There were many knives placed here and there on the young man's outfit.

Out of nowhere, there was an alarm noise that was ringing inside the Mall. Exits of Mall, Parking Entrances, Shop Entrances inside Mall was shut down by a flat steel material.

'It has finally begun. After today, I will probably have to reveal the fact that I have already awakened as a Magus. I won't be able to do any more dangerous acts tomorrow onwards since I will be under the protection of an experienced Magus.'

A while later, the toilet door was opened and the young man got out of the previously enclosed toilet.

Others who used to be in the same public toilet as himself has already exited hurriedly. The young man then dashed out of the toilet. There were sounds of shooting and screaming but he didn't stop at all!

Inside the control room of XXX Mall,

"DAMN IT! Are they close?"

"Yes, sir!"

"We can't contact anyone that is outside, is that right?"

"Yes, sir..."

"If that's the case, let's evacuate."

There was a sigh but the subordinate eventually replied, "Understood, Sir. You heard him! Let's evacuate! GO, GO, GO!"


The door was crashed open followed by sounds of few entities entering the control room. Each of these entities had a shield in front of them that would protect themselves by detecting any object that may seem harmful to users. There was a hole in the shield, a machine gun was inserted in this hole. Five entities had entered the control room. One of them secured the entrance by placing the shield as an alternative to the door and guarded the entrance.

"Since we're all set. Let's make sure that the show goes on without any hindrance.", spoke by Team 1 Leader

"Understood, Sir!"

"Understood, Sir!"

"Understood, Sir!"

"Understood, Sir!"

Team 2 was now securing 2nd floor. It has already been 10 minutes since the attack has begun. One of them was shooting and killing people just like others. The reason as to why they are doing such an evil act is unknown. But one thing is for sure, that is, this ain't just an ordinary robbery.

"beta2, this is sigma1. Copy? Over."

"Roger, Over."

"This is sigma1. No camera footage near you, beta2. Be careful. Copy? Over"

"Roger, Over."

"This is sigma1. Over and out."

Right now, an entity or human codenamed beta2 is checking out cameras.

'No way! What is that? Is that a knife stabbed into camera? I need to be careful.', beta2 started moving more cautiously.

Somewhere inside a random shop in XXX Mall, a young man could be seen hiding behind the staff room.

'That guy is being cautious of me, hah? But it's kind of understandable since his dress ain't immune to my knifes. Unfortunately, you're just meant to be a stepping stone for me to get rid of others.', thought the young man wile smirking.

Eventually, beta2 stepped into the shop in which the young man was hiding inside.

beta2 checked everywhere inside the shop making sure of the fact that no surprises would show up.

'Hmm... Now, there's only the staff room in this shop. Just where could this knife guy be hiding? All the cameras around in this region are destroyed by knifes. It has already been 23 cameras destroyed by 23 knifes! How many knifes does this guy have?'

'Hmm... my shield sensor is detecting someone inside the staff room. But he seems dead... No! I didn't kill anyone around here! This definitely has got to be the knife guy. Hehehe.'

beta2 opened the staff room door in a rushed manner and closed it as fast as possible to shoot at the knife guy.

'Found him. Time to die, knife guy!'


The knife guy suddenly rose up by dodging the bullets and then threw 2 knifes consecutively at the gun hole. But the shield detected the threat of knifes and automatically closed the hole. Thus, the shield protected the gun hole.


But the knife guy didn't stop there as he jumped over the shield by using the small span of time bought by his knifes and then stabbed the third knife into beta2's neck. beta2 tried to fight against this knife guy but the knife guy didn't stop as he used his fourth knife to cut his leg joints followed by his hand joints. The knife guy then stole beta2's pistol, pulled out beta2's helmet, and shot beta2 in his head.

'I finally got the opportunity to get my hands these lethal equipments made with magical materials. Huhuhu.'

The knife guy then stripped beta2's shirt, pant, boots and helmet. He then wore them. He then armed himself with beta2's equipment such as shield, pistol, machine gun etc. The knife guy didn't stop there as he took out a bottle that had some strange liquid and then poured it over beta2's entire body. He then took out a lighter, lit up the lighter, threw it onto beta2's body.

beta2's body lit up in flames while the knife guy hurriedly got out of the staff room. He then got out of the shop and ran towards his next target by running.

Inside the control room of XXX Mall,

Team 1 has been monitoring everything that has been going on inside Mall.

As of now, sigma1 himself has been monitoring the only true anomaly, that is, the knife guy. beta2 has already informed sigma1 about knifes stabbed inside cameras. Right now, he is waiting for beta2's further findings about this knife guy.

'Huh? What the hell?'

sigma1 is watching cameras being shut down for some unknown reason. He couldn't help but be stunned by such a ridiculous event!

'Wait a second!'

sigma1 could see signs of someone intruding into camera's footage... and then shooting at the cameras. sigma1 has been monitoring the entire 2nd floor. So, he's the only one who knows about whatever is going on in 2nd floor. Most important fact is that the control room is on 2nd floor and there are only 5 people doing the shooting on 2nd floor. In such a stressful situation, sigma1 couldn't help but connect this matter with the knife guy. He couldn't help but assume that beta2 is dead and there are only 4 more people.

sigma1 spoke through the radio speaker, "This is sigma1. There is an unordinary person on 2nd floor. Assuming that beta2 doesn't respond, it could be believed that this unordinary person codenamed as knife has killed beta2 and is shooting down all the cameras that is coming into his sight. delta2, knife is nearing you from front. I repeat, knife is nearing you from front, delta2. Be careful. Over and out."

"Hey! W-what's going on?!", shouted alpha1 angrily.

"Do you think I will put on an act? I am serious about this! Don't distract me!", exclaimed sigma1.

alpha1 couldn't help but be stunned. But he soon recovered and ordered, "Everyone arm yourself and be careful. Especially, gamma1. Can't have this knife surprise us."

gamma1 who is standing behind a shield and watching out for any surprise by guarding the control room entrance replied, "Roger".

Next chapter