
Modern Human Lord in Another World

Demon Lord in the modern earth? Well, How about a Human Lord reincarnation to another world? Born in 1880-08-18, he’s a living legend, the one who starts world wars, the one who invented nuclear weapons, the one who advanced technologies behind the scenes, the one who manipulates organisations, the one who really controls the world. And now in 2020 he succeeded in his goal and got to another world? Moreover a fantasy plus medieval one? (Come watch the other world get rekt by our Lord!)

Ridoux_Studio · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 - Anastasia

[ Rosefold Magic knight academy - Medical center ]

"Interesting..." said The Lord while looking at the hologram-like panel suspended before his eyes.

First he saw the General section.

◆ General

[ Name : Adam Elmote ]

[ Race : Human ]

[ Age : 16 ]

[ Gender : Male ]

[ Job : Level 0 Magic Knight apprentice ]

"Good, everything matches up with the memories."

'Adam Elmote, the sole son and the true successor of the Elmote's noble family, however because of negletting training since a young age resulted in his father, Duke Charles Elmote disappointment.

After which he decided to give his son the last chance, and that is to graduate from the prestigious Rosefold Magic knight academy in the neighboring country Verdemilio Kingdom…'

"Hmph, what trash indeed."

The Lord then read the MAIN STATS section.


[ Strength : 1.2 ]

[ Stamina : 0.8 ]

[ Speed : 1.6 ]

[ Perception : 999999.2 ]

[ Life energie : 0.7 ]

[ Magic power : 0.1 ]

[ Physical resistance : 1.2 ]

[ Magic resistance : 0.2 ]

[ Mental resistance : MAX ]

"Weak!" he said.

'According to the trash's memories, except the Magic power and Magic resistance, a normal adult without any skills or training whatsoever has approximately 1 in all other stats. However these two...'

He was aiming for Perception and mental resistance.



[ Perseverance : Max ]

[ Intelligence : Max ]

[ Charm : -16 ]

〘Warning : Charm increase and decrease according to Appearance and Reputation〙

[ Luck : 0.05 ] (Permanent)

(NEW) [ instinct : MAX ]

"I see now..."

'According to the memories, the SUB STATS unlike MAIN STATS and except Charm, the only way to influence them is with training and growth, in other words they don't have any relation whatsoever with skills, which means that the changes were caused by me possessing the body.'

"Does that mean that the brain affect the stats? Or, perhaps the soul? Hmm..."

The Lord continued reading while processing all the new information in his trained-brain.



Adam's eyes shone and said: "Magic!"

He thought 'That's probably the most interesting thing in this world, however, who would expect that this trash has no useful information in this field...' the lord frowned.

"Whatever… next!"



— Traverse a short distance almost instantly.

— Consumption : 1 Stamina

— Requirement : 1.5 Speed


— Instantly treat certain types of injuries.

— Consumption : <NONE>

— Requirement : 100 Perseverance | 50 Mental resistance


— Gain ability to sense and comprehend life force energy in oneself or anything in contact with the user.

— Consumption : <NONE>

— Requirement : 5 Perception


— Increase Perception according to instinct mastery.

— Consumption : <NONE>

— Requirement : Discovery of hidden sub stat instinct

"Hoo... So that's why." said the lord when he saw 'Increase Perception according to instinct mastery.'

"...so it's like a memo?" concluded the Lord after processing everything.

He thought 'That's convenient, it automatically records and ranks the abilities you performed. However... it gave names to the moves? But how? I didn't name that move, I'm sure of it since I'm the one who created it in the first place!, but here it's called SHADOW STEP? Is there some entity or AI that generates these names? No, there is also the possibility that someone from this world thought of and named it.

In anycase, what I'm sure of right now... is that there is some kind of database that stores the names, possibly even the move's details.' *SMIRKS*

"better hack that shit latter Ki ki ki"

He then reads further.








"...So that's why I don't feel any changes?"

The Lord frowned and thought : 'MENTAL, RESISTANCE and STAMINA… that definitely the three abilities I was given, then why is it locked?'

"She's a flashy bitch after all..." said Adam with killing intent in his voice.

'Wait a minute, could it be that it's locked temporarily? Or is there a condition to unlock it? FUCK!, it's troublesome in anycase! FLASHY BITCH! Just you wait.'

"Next..." said the Lord with a cold voice.

◆ Trivia

[ Appearance (General-Body) : weak-looking thin body ]

[ Appearance (Head) : Ordinary Black Hair with childish face and ordinary black eyes ]

[ Appearance (Upper-Body) : Rosefold Magic knight academy's uniform long-sleeved shirt and first year student's crest ]

[ Appearance (Lower-Body) : Rosefold Magic knight academy's uniform trousers and mandate dress shoes ]

[ Reputation : Pervert - Weak <Negative Reputation> ]

[ Equipement : Rosefold Magic knight academy's training short sword ]

[ Nicknames : Young Master, Trash Son, Pig, cripple, insect, stupid ,ido… ]

[ Desire : Girlfriend, harem, sex, money ]


'As I thought , did our souls get mingled after all?'

"No, it still isn't 100%" said the lord while glaring at 'mandate dress shoes '.

He thought: 'Strange… I don't feel any footwear, and I'm also in a medical bed so the other outfits most likely have been changed...'


'It's different from the other sections for sure, since they all have been updated accordingly, is it a periodic update? Anyway i'll leave that for latter'

Adam closed his eyes and thought again: 'Now then, what should i do from now on?'

"There are a lot of things I want to research..." he said.

He then frowned and thought 'but to do so i need equipment, however it seems this world's technology is fairly undeveloped, similar to Earth's Middle Ages? So I have to create everything from scratch... Fortunately i have the technology in my brain so what remains is…'

*SIGH* "How troublesome..."

'Place, secrecy, resources, human resources… this is more troublesome than i thought, at this rate it'll take me decades before i get everything i need for my research.

In any case what is most important right now for me is...'



He thought: 'This body is seriously weak, it even collapses from a mere movement skill! I can't even use 0.1% of my true strength!'


"Flashy bitch...Ahhh, i wanna kill her so bad!" Adam suddenly let out a bit of his terrifying aura.

He thought: 'if she just gave me my original body… Forget it, this is not the time for 'if'.

Right now, I can't use my true strength and I also can't rely on my locked gifts, so if I made a bad move…'

*SIGH* "Truly troublesome..." he said after retracting his aura.

He then relaxed a bit and thought: 'Fortunately, this is an academy, a learning institute, moreover one that mainly focuses on power raising, it's the perfect place for my current state, i can take this opportunity to train and tone this criple body.'

"I have 3 years… It's more than enough." *SMIRKS MANIACALLY*

[ Rosefold Magic knight academy - Medical centre's passage ]


A certain girl sighed while walking, she was wearing a maid outfit and carrying a basket in her delicate hands.

'And here i thought he would never wake again...' thought the girl with an unpleasant face.

And she said with a frown "That insect..."

'If not for the master's orders, I wouldn't have to follow that insect here...'


"Master, I brought the tea."



She then entered the Duke's study and placed the classy tea cup in the bureau.

"Now then, if you'll excuse me..." she said, preparing to leave.


*FLINCH* "Yes, Master"

"I have a task for you"

"What is it Master?"

"From now on, your going to serve that son of mine"

The Maid's face paled at this.

He continued: "Tomorrow he'll be going to study in the neighboring country, so get ready!"

"A..Alright my Lord, i'll devote my body and soul to serve the inse-..young master!"

"Hmph, you can leave now."

"A..A-t once Master!"

She then turned around and left the room.


*SIGH* "Why me..."

The girl has an angelic grey hair that was tied perfectly with two strands swaying around while she's moving, along with two shiny yellow eyes that matched her maid's outfit perfectly.

And because of her charming appearance, Adam would always give her his lecherous gaze whenever he saw her back in the mansion and even now.

"Disgusting insect..." she said again.

Adding to his pervert behaviour he also was a human waste that never tried to do something like training and so his place in her heart sank to the very abyss itself.

"Room 49, it's here."

After a while she stopped before a door that has the number 49 in it.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Young Master… it's me." she said after knocking.

However nothing came from the inside.


She thought: 'Strange, that thing would always respond immediately when he hears my voice...'

*Knock* *Knock*

"Young Master, it's me, can you hear me?" she asked.

Yet nothing came from the other side.


'Could it be he's still sleeping? No, but they told me he was awake just a while ago...'


'I guess i have no other choice but to enter?'

"Excuse me then Young Master, i'm entering..."



However, she froze the moment she entered the room.

*Crackle* "1509"

*Thump* "1510"

*Crackle* "1511"

"Y..Y-oung M..Master?!" she shouted confused.

That's to be expected, after all she saw something that she would never dare to see even in her dream.

*Thump* "1512"

*Crackle* "1513"

Adam that has never trained in his whole live, was now training like a maniac, his eyes were red, and from his naked upward body, you can see his muscles bulking unceasingly as if about to burst at any moment, you can even hear the bones cracking from here, not to mention the wet carpet near the bed from his body sweating all over.

"E..E-H?! W..w-what are yo-??!!" it's seems this spectacle was too much for her brain to comprehend.

*Thump* "1513"

*Crackle* "1514"

Adam continued counting and ignored the maid.

"..." The girl just stood there agape watching the unbelievable happening.

*Thump* "1515!!"


Soon Adam stopped the push-ups and stood immediately after that.

He thought: 'Hmph, I guess that's this body limite?'

Then he said while looking at his burning red body nonchalantly: "So you came, Anastasia"

"Eh?... ah! Yes I've just come in since you didn't respond..." Finally the maid named Anastasia got her brain to work again.

"Sorry about that. But I was too focussed in my training so I didn't hear you."

"Training..." she said absentmindedly.

"More importantly, do you have a towel?"

"Eh? Yes! Here, i'll give it to you now."

She then awkwardly placed the basket on the table before fetching a towel from it.

"H..H-ere, Young Master." she handed him the towel.

"Emu." and Adam took it.

After he wiped the sweat in his body, he then changed to his uniform that was also in the basket and said: "Be the way, i'm a little hungry."

"Eh? Ah, it's lunch time so you can eat in the cafeteria right now"

"I see, then let's go." said Adam before leaving the room.

"..." Anastasia just stood there and watched Adam leaving the room silently.

'What just happened? Did he eat shit or something?' she thought.

"Ah! wait for me Young Master!" she shouted after realizing that she was left behind.