

You know as a man who died over 21 years old and has been through all types of education theres nothing worse then being in a school full of hormonal filthy ridden brats even if I am one right now. I mean I already learnt about the American history after skimming through all the books needed and now all I got to look forward to is going home and seeing Alex again.

I'm Wearing a picture shirt of One Piece with a long sleeved red checked shirt rolled up to see my arms and cargo pants and suspenders so I'm obviously in style.

'Lets get this over with' I think and then step out form the car I designed which makes it look like a Range rover but can actually change shape into other vehicles so I don't have to have multiple cars. 

My looks, toned body and tanned skin and confident and uncaring atmosphere seem to attract eh attention of some people but I go straight to the school office where I get my schedule and go to my class.

Now as any cliché anime protagonist would do I chose to sit on the back near the window. and then after a few minutes students start coming in. some are curious about who I am but I use all of my inner batman lonesome energy to repel them away but then I hear a familiar voice next to me 

"Hey Atlas" Alex says with smirk clearly noticing I didn't realise she is there. 

"Hello Alex. How are enjoying this wonderful day" I say with a monotone on the second part

"You don't like school so far I'm guessing. welcome to my world" she says with a smirk then laughs.

"ughh I've been here 10 minutes and al there is hormonal teenagers gossiping with each over and I don't know if I'm going to survive in this place. "Help me Alex one Kenobi your my only hope" I say with a pleading look in her direction.

She laughs slightly then turns away and says "I love the star wars reference but theres nothing I can do to help you I'm afraid you just have to keep me company "

"I'll gladly keep you company Alex. and I think I might have a solution can you keep a secret?" I whisper. 

"Of course everyone in my family keeps secrets from each other its how we stick together so well" she says with a smirk. 

I take out my pair of virtual glasses from my back and then hand them to her "try these on you'll se what I mean" 

She puts on the fake glasses which highlight her eyes making her seem cuter then before and after a few second she has a very startled look.

"Amazing right? its like visors in video games or futuristic scanning devises so I figured I make one and viola. I use it mostly to play games and watch stuff with it though. and its connected to my AI and I can control by it scanning my mind. and I've implants in my ears which allow to listen to it as well."

"I-i-i don't know what to say with this you could advance humanity by decades why don't you sell it?" she asks in curiosity 

"Mmm well I thought of that but humans cant be trusted with such rapid technology so quickly, you have to do it slowly and step by step so it wont be used for harm or damage the worlds economy. I can lend you some prototypes I made as well of other technology and I can teach you about it if you want? I say with a smile.

"I-id love to thank you Atlas I cant wait" she exclaims with a bright smile then realises she still has me glasses on so she reluctantly passes them over to me and i chuckle and say.

"Don't worry I'll gift you a pair someday" I say with a smirk and put them on and then the teacher came in at that moment. 

"Settle down class. Before we go onto our school work we have a new student joining today Atlas Santiago stand up and introduce yourself please"

If your wondering why the teacher said the wrong name its so that I don't get any unwanted attention in school and now it's time to bring out my inner Kakashi without the porn book addiction. 

"I'm Atlas. Things I like and things I hate? I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future? I've never really considered that. As for my hobbies... I have lots of hobbies. in conclusion , I want to go home" 

Wow I really think I did well there I didn't know I could be so good at not caring, I should get an Oscar for this. and theres Alex siting next me looking at me like she's looking at a weirdo and wants to punch me slightly.

"Umm well thank you for that lovely introduction. moving on please bring out your textbooks and open page 37 as we will be discussing quadratic equations" the teacher said

The Lesson continues with the teacher asking me and Alex and a third kid I cant be bothered to remember questions and then more boring mumbo jumbo till lunch time when the bell rings.

"Finally that was boring as heaven. What do you normally do for lunch then Alex?" I ask the girl who neatly packing away all of her notes to different places very organised. It takes her a minute to answer but when she does she says.

"I just usually hang around on the furthest table in the cafeteria why have you got a place you want to go?"

"mmm I fell like I'll get swarmed by people asking about me so how about we go to the empty  room and see if its free to eat in after asking the teacher?" 

"Sure we could try" Alex replies and after a 5 minute hunt for one we go to the Science room which is empty and eat our food. 

I bring out my pasta I made from home and Alex brings out whatever her mother packed and she says 

"so what the deal with your last name and all"

"Ahh well I didn't want people recognising me and if word got outs I'm here people would be crazy to try and see me so I changed it and only the principle knows so its ok" I explain.

"Ahh t-that makes sense but what about that introduction though in class" she asks and gives me a look that says if I don't explain myself she'll punch me so I just say 

"I mean I figured I'd deliver a message that says I'm disinterested and it seems as though one no one has seen anime in this school so I just copied a character of Naruto" I laugh and she sighs and then giggles a bit after word.

Until the end up lunch we ended up talking about anything and everything until she mentions that she has to go to prepare for her grandfathers wedding in a few months, I knew I was getting closer to the 1st episode. 

"I have to try out for the football team after school so I won't be able to walk you home at all" I say with a smirk 

"Don't worry my mother will be picking me up but we could walk home together another day though" she says with laugh 

"Didn't you mention you play the cello though how are you going to carry it?" I ask.

"umm.." she was not sure what to think of that and I say 

"If you want I can modify the case so it could be used like a suitcase" 

"A-are you sure I don't want to trouble you" she says with a bit of worry 

I gently karate chop her head, smile and say " Don't worry about it its very simple for me and doesn't disturb me and how can I not help my friend" when I say that she rubs her head slightly but a smile forms on her face and her cheeks flush a little and nods her head cutely.


(Scene Change) (Alex Pov) 

What is this feeling when I see him smile? why is so easy for him to make me blush? And why can't I get him out of my mind? Mabey I know deep down the answer to all these questions but I think ill keep it hidden for now I don't want to ruin the first friendship I have, 

Claire: "Are you alright sweetie?" my mother asks me after seeing my down luck and I just make up an excuse saying I'm hungry.

"OMG you guys you know Atlas he just Broke several records when playing football everyone's talking about it!" Hailey shouted from the back seat.

Claire "Really? isn't he more book smart then physical smart?"

I scoff at that notion as book smart doesn't even describe him and that body...

"Really you didn't see his body at all mom? it was like he's the opposite of a nerd with that muscly physique" Hailey replies 

"Well sorry for not looking at a child's body maybe I should just book a place in advance in jail then take of his shirt" my mom said sarcastically

"Ughh whatever" is Hailey's intelligent rebuttal.

Next chapter