
Modern Family: My Way

CrazedJoker · TV
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4 Chs


"Hello, my child" I hear a voice say, and one thing came to my mind. Death

'I'm dead' I think to myself, Hearing those words could only mean death, or my deceased parents rose again and decided to come and see me

"You're right, you are dead," the voice says but this time a man appears

"Morgan freeman? Well now I understand why you don't age"

Chuckling Morgan said "Well I like earth so I spent some time there, but this isn't about me"

"Yea I figured"

"As I've said, you're dead but since you didn't die by normal circumstances I've decided to let you reincarnate in a new world with 6 wishes"

Waving his arm I watched as a giant wheel with fictional worlds and universes appeared

"Spin" he simply says

Spinning the wheel I watched the pointer go over many Fictional places such as Marvel, Dc, Sao, Naruto, and more. Before landing on Modern Family

"Modern family? The show with the big breast Cuban?" I ask

"She's Colombian but yes" god corrects me

"Since that world was normal I won't have to op," I say with a thinking expression

"I got it," I say before stating my wishes

1. Genius-level intellect

2. Genius-level intelligence

3. All knowledge regarding engineering

4. All knowledge regarding business

5. All knowledge regarding architecture

6. All knowledge regarding Electronics items

"Simple," Morgan says snapping his fingers "you'll wake up a few days before the pilot," he says


Waking up in an unfamiliar room I looked around 'It's elegant' i think to myself, hopping out of bed I walk to the bathroom mirror

'I look Good' i think looking at the handsome face in the mirror


After going through my memories I had to the bathroom

*Ring* *Ring*

"Mr. Smith, The Property you applied to has successfully been bought," A man says over the phone

"Really? Thank you" I say, it seems the old me bought an acre of land

"No problem," the man says hanging up

(i doubt that's how this usually works, but I'm not sure)

After a quick shower, i got dressed and headed to my land

"It's nice," i say looking at the field of grass that seemed to never end "But what should I do with it?


What do you think? It's my slice of life Fanfic ever

So please point out any mistakes and give suggestions