
Modern Family: My Way

CrazedJoker · TV
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4 Chs


Staring at the empty field of grass my mind was running multiple differment scenoirs to see what was best to do with it. 'The original me wanted to build a house, but the dumbass doesn't have any miney'

I wasn't completey broke but it wasn't enough to do anything with the land, the land costed me everything and The former hadn't thought about that

*Sigh* "Even if i have knowledge it's useless without money"

I could create just about anything as long as it fell under engineering, it seems god truly gave me every piece of knowledge he knew

"Mayve i can make something cheap"

*Ding* A light bulb went off, I could make a phone. Currently it was 2009 The best phones out right where 12 years older than the one i know about, And they're cheap to make

(According to google it costs 500$ to make an iphone)

"The Hard part is manpower if i want to release them i can't make one at a time" I say to myself

Doing it by myself would take months meaning i can make less phone, since i still have to pay for my living expenses

"Well i guess i can make a couple then sell to the rich"

But is that really a problem, I'm in L.A. its basically Celeb city


Super short, Yeah i know but now that i have the basics hopefully i can go somewhere